#35 - You Have Braces

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A/N - request:-) thanks for requesting babe! I hope you like this! I used to have braces so I know how it feels haha, totally worth the pain:-)xxx


"Come on babe, just smile for me. You know i’ll always think you’re beautiful, no matter what." Ashton coaxed, giggling as you covered your mouth.

"No Ash, I look stupid with these stupid metal things on my teeth." You sighed miserably, tears filling your eyes in embarrassment.

"You’ll get used to them. I promise you’re still beautiful with or without them. I love you whatever babe, come on…" He smiled, pressing kisses to your cheek.

"Fine, but only once." You groaned, grinning slightly and showing off your newly metaled teeth. 

"See? Beautiful. You look great, baby." He murmured against your lips, kissing them softly. "I’m gonna have to get used to them too…"


Calum sat in the waiting room, his knee nervously and excitedly bouncing up and down. He looked up and saw you approaching him, smiling, but not showing your teeth off yet.

"So?" He asked, looking at you with expectant eyes.

You gave him a full grin, the feeling strange but wonderful because there was no more metal restricting your teeth or smile. You’d never felt so satisfied or beautiful before. You finally felt beautiful.

"What d’ya think?" You smirked, already knowing by the look on your face.

"Baby…" He chuckled, his cheeks turning red. "You look really fucking beautiful. Like seriously, damn baby. You’re stunning."

You blushed and took his hand as you walked out of the orthodontist, still grinning. “Just wait until I get you home…”


You were facing Luke on the sofa, his hand rubbing your thigh as things started to get heated. It had been a while and you’d never needed him more.

His lips connected to yours perfectly, small moans escaping both of your mouths. His thumb stroked your cheek, your noses rubbing together.

"Ah, shit, babe stop." He groaned, as you tried to pull away but failed. "We’re a bit stuck."

"Oh fuck! This braces ruin everything." You sigh, realizing that his lip ring was now stuck in one of the bands in your braces.

"It’s okay baby, it doesn’t matter." He chuckled. "They’ll be off soon and i’ll kiss you for weeks on end."

"Now what do we do?" You asked, awkwardly trying to unhook the piercing from the elastic band. "Just keep kissing to see if we can release it?" 


"That’s it, i’m done." You said in defeat, pushing the plate of soft pasta away from you. "These fucking braces. I can’t eat anything and my mouth really really hurts."

"Want me to kiss it better?" Michael smirked, hugging you from behind and kissing up your neck.

Usually you would’ve loved his forwardness and wanted to just grab him and kiss him, but you were pissed off and in so much pain that you wanted to punch him in the face.

"Shut up Michael! It isn’t funny." You moaned, your jaw aching as you spoke and your lips sore from catching on the metal train tracks that were attached to your teeth.

"I know baby, i’m not laughing at you, I promise." He murmured sympathetically, moving his lips up to yours. "I’ll kiss the pain away."

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