#29 - He/You Have a Child From a Previous Relationship

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A/N - sorry I haven't wrote a preference in sooooo long😕💜


You had been dating Ashton for a few months and things were going good, but you had yet to meet his four year old daughter Alyssa and you knew that children could be judge mental so you were nervous.

You also knew that Ashton was really close with his little girl so you didn't want to upset her.

"She's going to love you babe, don't worry." Ashton smiles, rubbing your back reassuringly before shouting his daughter down from her bedroom.

"Daddy!" The little girl smiled, Ashton putting her on his hip and cuddling her. "Who's is she?"

"Hey sweetie, this is my friend Y/N." He smiled, as you waved at her.

"I'm Y/N. What's your name?" You ask, as she comes to stand in front of you.

"My name is Alyssa. You're pretty!" She giggled, giving you a hug.

"Thankyou cutie, you're beautiful! You look so much like your Daddy."

Ashton smiled, looking over his two favourite girls interacting. Alyssa then dragged you up to her bedroom to play with her dolls together.


"Cal? I'm really sorry, I can't come out with you tonight. Liam is ill and he won't let me leave him alone." You sigh down the phone, having to cancel on him again.

"It's okay Y/N, we can go out another night babe." He replied. "Do you need me to come over and help you out?"

"Yeah, at least then we can see each other." You smile. "Can you bring me some cough medicine over please?"

"Of course, see you soon." He hangs up the phone and heads out to your apartment.

Your son was 18 months old and you had only recently met Calum, who didn't mind when you told him about Liam.

"Hey babe." Calum smiles, walking through the door to see you cuddling Harry. "Hi Liam, poor baby."

"Thanks for coming over Cal, i'm sorry about our d-"

"Honestly, it's okay. I'd rather just be here with you guys anyway." Calum smiles, taking Liam out of your arms when he signalled that he wanted to be held. "You'll be better soon little guy."


"She's so beautiful." Luke murmurs, gazing down at the baby girl in your arms. "I can't believe he didn't wanna be here for this."

Your boyfriend had left as soon as he heard you were pregnant; you were too young, he couldn't handle it. You could never do anything to hurt your baby, so you decided to keep it.

"I never needed him anyway..." You reply, kissing her forehead.

"I'm gonna be here for you Y/N. I know that i'm not her real Dad, and I never will be, but I'll support you both if that's what you want." He reassured you, making you cry.

"Thankyou so much, you're the best Luke." You reply, wiping away the tears. "Here, she needs a cuddle."

You pass her over to him carefully, making sure that he's supporting her head. Him being so young, he had no experience with babies and he was terrified.

"Like this?" He asked, cradling her and rocking her soflty.

"Exactly like that. You're gonna be an amazing Dad, Luke, whether you're her real one or not."


"Where are we going Mummy?" Your six year old daughter asked, holding your hand as you both walk towards the park.

"We're going to the park baby, we're gonna meet Mummy's friend, remember?" You replied, taking a deep breath nervously.

You and your ex-husband had split up a year ago and she didn't fully understand everything, and she was still close to her Dad, so it was daunting for you to introduce Michael to her. He had a six year old son, who could hopefully be friends with your daughter.

"Hey Y/N." Michael greeted you, pulling you in for a hug and pecking your lips.

"Hi Mikey... Baby girl, this is my friend Michael. Say hi sweetie." You smile, rubbing her shoulder and trying to get her to be less shy.

"Hi." She says shyly, smiling at him sweetly.

"Hey cutie! Your dress is so pretty." Michael smiles back. "Alex, say hi. This is Y/N."

"Hi Y/N." He says, before the two of them run off to play together.

"Looks like they like eachother.." Michael smiles, hugging you closer. "And I like you too."

A/N - Michael's is terrible i'm so sorry://// requests?Xxx

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