#16 - When You're Upset

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A/N - OKAYYY SO I'M NOT MEETING 5SOS:( I spent three hours trying to get tickets but nope-_- I cried for like two hours but oh well:-) BUT I AM SO SO HAPPY THAT 5SOS ARE SUPPORTING ONE DIRECTION ON THE WWA TOUR WAHEEYYY!xxxx


When you're crying or upset, all Ashton wants is to see you smiling again. It hurts him to see you upset, sometimes to the point where he wants to cry too. Sometimes him just being there for you can make you feel better, he needs you to know that he's always there when you need to talk. "You're strong babe, i'm always here when you need me. Always here."


He just wants you to smile, even if it means he has to dress up, look stupid or act stupid just so you laugh or smile at him. When he realises how upset you really are, he stops messing around and holds you in his arms until your tear subside. "Now what can I do to make you smile babe? Tell me and i'll do it. I'll do anything to make you smile baby."


He can't stand to see you looking sad. You have such a beautiful smile and he loves to see it, it just makes him happy, so when you're sad, so is he. He holds you so your head is against his chest, so his heartbeat can soothe you. He 'shhh's you and rubs your back. Eventually you fall asleep in his arms and he's ready to talk when you wake up.


The first time he saw you crying, he didn't know what to do, but now he knows exactly what cheers you up. He knows that you love it when he compliments you, it makes you feel stronger and more confident, which is exactly what you need when you're upset. Phrases like "You're strong, you can do this." or "A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be crying."

A/N - Comments/Votes/Follows would be appreciated! Ask me questions if there's anything you want to know!:-)xxx

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