#23 - He Hears You Crying At Night

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A/N - hey:-) requests are always welcome! have a good week everyone x x


It had been a rough week. You had just started a new job and your boss hated you, you didn't get along with your colleagues, and Ashton had been recording in the studio all week so you didn't get to spend time with him.

You were laid next to Ash in bed, him laying on his back and you facing your side of the bed.

Suddenly everything became too much, and the tears took over. You started to cry your eyes out and you couldn't hide it anymore.

Ashton woke up confused, wondering who was crying, but then waking up instantly when he realised it was you.

"Hey, baby, shhhh." Ashton whispered, pulling you into his arms. "Let it out, it's okay baby, it's okay." 

"I can't do this Ashton.." You whimper, tears still escaping your eyes. "I'm not strong enough, I can't work there knowing what they think about me."

"Then they're all dicks babe, just focus on the work, i'm so proud of you Y/N. I love you so much and can't stand to see you crying baby." He murmurs, settling you down to his chest and rubbing your back until you fell asleep in his arms again.


You had a tough time growing up; your Parents were divorced, and your Mum had a new boyfriend that you hated. Today you found out that they were getting married...

You'd been ranting to Calum all day, just shouting whatever you felt like in the moment. You were angry, frustrated and you couldn't understand why.

But it wasn't until that night when you were in bed cuddled up to Calum and he was nearly fast asleep that your emotions changed and you suddenly got really upset.

"Hey gorgeous..." Calum mumbled, cradling you almost like a baby and tracing shapes on your lower back. "I know you're upset, but you have to let this go, okay?" 

"I can't, I hate him so much, he just makes me angry." You said through your tears that Calum tried to kiss away.

"He makes your Mum happy, and that's what you want isn't it?" He asks, peppering your cheek with kisses. You nod, and he sighs deeply. "Just forget about it right now, and just be with me, yeah?"

"I love you Cal." You mumble, before you fall asleep to him singing 'Beside You' in your ear.


You had been ill for a few days now, but you wouldn't admit it because you hate being sick.Luke knew that you weren't feeling good, so he had been trying to cheer you up, but it didn't work.

You were facing your side of the bed with Luke's arm wrapped around your waist, rubbing your sides gently. He was watching some crappy TV show, trying to stay awake a bit longer in case you needed him.

He was just drifting off to sleep when he felt your side of the bed shaking slightly, then the wetness of your tears on his arm.

"It hurts so much Luke." You cry, rolling over to snuggle into his chest.

"Baby, I should have taken you to a Doctor days ago, shhh." He whispers, rolling you over slowly so he could rub soothing circles into your stomach to comfort you. "You're gonna be okay sweetie, try to get some sleep and we'll go see a Doctor tomorrow."

"Thankyou Luke, I love you so much." You murmur, your tears turning to sniffles. He leans down to kiss your face multiple times, before you both fall asleep together.


The hate from 5SOS's 'fans' was getting too much for you to handle. At first you just tried to ignore it because you love Mikey and he was all that matttered, but then you start to get into the habit of reading the comments over and over again.

Michael was playing Fifa in the lounge, and you had gone to bed for an early night. You got your phone out and started reading through your mentions on Twitter.

@Y/T/N you aren't good enough for my mikey, kill yourself bitch

@Y/T/N why do you have to be the one dating michael, it should be me, i'm prettier and skinnier than you ew

Michael finally got bored of playing Fifa and decided to come to bed next to you. You heard him coming upstairs so you tried to stop the tears from falling but you failed.

"Babe? You okay? I know you aren't asleep." Michael says, seeing you curled up into your pillow. "Why are you crying Y/N?"

"How can you even love me Mikey? I'm not good enough for you." You break down in his arms, as he shushes you and holds you close until the tears had subsided.

"I never want to hear you say that ever again, you hear me? You're so unbelievably perfect that I can't believe you love me. You're gorgeous, kind, smart, funny, and no-one has made me happier than you. So thankyou for everything Y/N. I love you so much."

A/N - woooo:-) ily xxx

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