#9 - He Finds Out You Had/Have Cancer

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A/N - this was a request from my tumblr which is myhemmingsbabe.tumblr.com ☺️ I realise this is a sensitive subject so don't read if it could be upsetting! Love you guys!xxxxx


You were sleeping over at Ashton's one night and getting to know each other better, when he asked a deep question.

"Have you ever been close to death?"

Your heart stopped for a second, you took a deep breath and wondered if you should tell him.

"Um..." You mumbled. "Yes, yes I have."

"Really?!" He replied. "What happened?"

"I, uh.." You start. "I had cancer. All of the doctors thought I was gonna die, but uh, I didn't."

"That just makes you even more amazing. You're so strong. I'm so glad you proved them all wrong. Well done beautiful."


You had just found out that you're pregnant with Calum's baby, which is obviously a good thing, but you need to have a check up as soon as possible.

You used to have cancer but you overcame it, the only problem being that Calum doesn't know about it.

"Everything looks great here, Y/N." The Doctor says. "The cancer has completely gone and will not effect you or the baby at all."

"Cancer? What?" Calum asks, worriedly.

"Y/N used to have cancer, but she got the all clear a year after being diagnosed."

"That's amazing babe. I can't believe I never knew that..."


"I'm sorry Y/N, but the cancer had returned." The Doctor said. "We're gonna get you ready for chemotherapy. Here's more information on everything."

He hands you the leaflet but you feel numb. You can't believe you battled through last time and all for nothing.

You returned home later that day with Luke. You haven't cried yet, but Luke knows you're about to break any minute.

"Luke..." You whimper, before breaking down into tears. You nearly fell on the floor but Luke caught you.

"Shhh, shhh, shhh. Baby girl, you're gonna be okay, we'll get through this. We're gonna be okay, shh." Luke whispers, holding you and rubbing your back, being the best comfort he can be.


"Hey babe, how did the doctors go earlier?" Michael asked, returning home after a day at the studio.

You were sat on the sofa, crying your eyes out.

"Hey baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked, pulling you into his arms.

"I-I have..." You stutter, not able to talk because of the crying.

"Shh, calm down, take your time gorgeous." he murmurs, as you take some deep breaths.

"I have cancer Mikey." You whisper.

"Cancer?" He asks, shocked.

"I start treatment next week."

"It's gonna be okay beautiful, we can get through this. You're strong enough. I won't ever leave your side."

A/N - this is so sad, what a horrible disease😥 feedback appreciated as always, love you lot xxxxx

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