#28 - Ed Sheeran - X

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A/N - I wanted to do song lyrics but I could decide which ones so I just thought I'd choose random ones from the whole album🙈 amazing music! can't wait to see him in October👍


"I saw scars upon her, broken hearted lover." - Bloodstream

It broke Ashton to see you like this. He finally thought that you were over everything that happened; he was gone, and couldn't hurt you again.

But then you found out that he was out of prison, he was free. All the pain came flooding back right in front of his eyes.

"Baby?" He said, watching you open your eyes as you laid with your head on his chest.

"Hey Ash." Your voice cracked, as you blinked heavily.

"How you doing?" He asked, pressing multiple kisses to your head and rubbing your back.

"I dunno, i'm just scared." You whimper. "What if he finds me again?"

"He won't sweetie, and if he does he'll have me to answer to." Ashton replied, cuddling closer to you.

"And you know that I won't hurt you. I would never ever even think about harming you, okay babe? I love you so much and i'll protect you, you don't need to be scared." He reassured you.

"You also don't need to do this anymore." He murmured, taking a deep breath. He traced his finger along the marks on your wrists, kissing each individual scar.

"I'm sorry Ashton, I couldn't help it.." Tears filled your eyes and spilled down your cheeks.

"I'm gonna help you Y/N, I'm always here..."


"And darling I will be loving you till we're 70." - Thinking Out Loud

Watching you pace around the room, cradling the tiny baby in your arms, trying to settle her.

This had happened too quickly, you were both only 19, and now you were Parents to a one month old baby girl. The two of you had only been together for just over a year, the relationship may not have even lasted.

"Please go to sleep..." You whisper, kissing her cheek.

You rocked her back and forth in your arms, the motion soothing her. Calum smiled to himself, watching over you made his heart burst with love.

It made him think back to all of the hookups, all those meaningless nights of sex that never went anywhere, and none of it mattered anymore. All he needed was you and his beautiful daughter.

And you were all he wanted for his whole life.

"Cal?" You say tiredly, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Will you take her please?"

"Of course, get some sleep. I love you lots babe." He smiled, kissing your cheek and taking the fussy baby into his arms, holding her to his chest. "How did I get so lucky?"


"And stay up all night like when we needed to sleep." - Nina

"Baaaabe." Luke whined, running a hand through his messy hair.

"What Luke, i'm trying to sleep." You tried to sound annoyed but giggled because of how cute he sounded.

"I'm bored." He sighs, rolling over to look at you, pouting.

"Go to sleep then! You have an early morning tomorrow." You reply, kissing his nose then his pouty lips.

"That's why we should appreciate this time now, now that we're together. C'mere."

Luke smiled softly and pulled you right into his arms, so your head was snuggled into his shoulder. He took a deep breath and smiled in satisfaction, kissing your forehead.

"So..." Luke smiled. "Where do you see us in ten years?"

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, then replied. "I dunno babe, I really hope we're still together though."

"Marriage? Kids?" He said, grinning to himself.

"I was gonna say that but I didn't wanna freak you out." You gigged again. "I really love you Lukey."

"I love you too baby, thanks for making me happy." He smiled, giving you one final squeeze then falling asleep cuddling you close.


"I saw a shooting star and thought of you." - All Of The Stars [TFIOS ruined me okay]

Another night, another city, another hotel room.

But every single minute of every single day, you were on his mind. All he cared about was you.

"Wow." He muttered to himself, seeing the bright star shoot across the sky.

He stared at the starry sky for a minute more before picking up his phone, not thinking about the time difference. He dialled your number, wanting to hear your voice.

"Mikey?" You mumble sleepily, 3:00am voice.

"Baby? Sorry for waking you up. I just wanted to speak to you." Michael smiled but his heart ached, wishing he was with you.

"No it's okay, you know I don't mind babe." You reply, rubbing your eyes.

"I just saw a shooting star." Michael said. "It was beautiful; reminded me of you."

"Awh babe, you're the cutest. I hope you're having a great time out there."

"I am baby, but it'd be better with you here. I can't wait to see you again, I love you a lot."

Tears filled your eyes and you whispered, "I love you too."

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