#22 - Through The Dark - One Direction {Song Preference}

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A/N - HI! I'm so so sorry for not writing a preference in ages:// only 20 days until WWA tour though, can't waiit!Thanks for 500 votes, love you guys x


"You tell me that your tears are here to stay."

Numb. That's how you felt inside, laid in Ashton's arms in bed. He had one arm around your waist, the other hand was catching the few random tears that kept on falling from your eyes.

"I hate seeing you like this baby." Ashton murmurs, lips pressing against your temple.

"They hate me Ash, they all hate me. And there's nothing I can do about it, I can't move school's either. I just have to accept that they hate me, but it hurts." You whisper, more tears falling.

"Shh, baby, it's okay. I just want you to be happy, I want to see you smile." Ashton whispers, kissing your cheek multiple times.

"I can't be happy Ashton, I can't see things getting any better. I have a lot more tears to cry before I can be happy."


"If you wanna cry or fall apart, i'll be there to hold you."

"Baby, Y/N, listen to me." Calum says firmly, holding your shaking figure in his arms. "You're gonna be okay, your sister knew that you loved her. She's in a better place now, okay?"

"I didn't get to say goodbye..." You cry, as Calum rubs your back.

"I know..." He replied, kissing your head.

"What am I gonna do?" You sob, as you start to cry again. Calum knows you're hurting so much, and he'd do anything to stop it, but he can't.

"Shhh, it's gonna be okay. I'm here for you Y/N, always here for you."


"I remember you laughing, so lets just laugh again."

Luke looked over at your sleeping figure, finally seeing you looking peaceful and relaxed. He thought back to the time when you were happy, and how great your life was together.

You haven't been the same since your sister died in a car smash, it ruined you.

"Luke?" You mumble softly, as you look up at him.

"Yeah baby?" He replies, grazing your lips with his.

"I love you." You let out the first smile in a while.

"I love you too sweetheart, so so much." He whispers, cuddling you close and running his hands through your hair. "Keep smiling baby,"


"And you will see it's easy to be loved, I know you wanna be loved."

You wouldn't let Michael into your heart; you weren't falling that easily again. Too many boys had hurt you in the past, but something about Michael was different. You tried to ignore the feeling though.

"Please Y/N, just give me a chance. I know you've been hurt and you've probably heard this before but i'm different." Michael pleads, rubbing circles into your lower back, whilst you're facing him laid in bed.

"I don't know Michael..." You sigh, feeling ashamed to be this nervous.

"I can show you what real love is," He smiles, kissing your lips. "I know that's what you want; real love."

A/N - comment some requests please:-)x

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