#3 - He Talks About You In An Interview

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"So Ashton," the incredibly pretty interviewer said. "I heard you have a new lady in your life."

"I do." He replied simply, smiling.

"Tell us about her then! Come on, spill the gossip."

"There's not much to say apart from the fact that she's beautiful and funny and amazing; everything i've been looking for."


"Anything new with you boys?" The male interviewer asks.

"Calum's got a girlfriend!" Michael announces loudly as Calum blushes.

"Oh really?" The interviewer replies. "What can you tell us about her Calum?"

"Well it's early days yet, but she's gorgeous inside and out, and we're both very happy."


"How's things going with Y/N, Luke?" the TV show host asked.

"Things are great thanks, it's nearly our two year anniversary actually." Luke smiled.

"Well I'm very happy for you."

"Thankyou, I'm very lucky to her have her as my girlfriend."


"Michael! I heard that you and Y/N are now engaged." the interviewer beamed.

"Yeah, we are engaged and will be getting married some time in the future."

"Congratulations! She's beautiful and lucky to have you."

"Thankyou, but I think I'm the lucky one in this relationship."

A/N - Dedicated this chapter to lovesickpuppy96 because she's the only one reading these preferences, so if you see this thankyou! ily xxxx

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