#36 - Your Daughter Is Worried

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A/N - sorry I haven't posted one in ages! leave some requests please😇🌸


"Daddy?" The small voice emerged from the door to the bedroom, looking up at him with her chocolate brown eyes.

"Hi baby, are you okay?" Ashton asked the six year old, scooping her body up into his arms and kissing her head.

"Everything okay with my little girl?"
She glanced over to the suitcase on the floor next to her and looked down, trying to hide her tears, not wanting her Daddy to see her upset.

"Hey, what's wrong baby girl? You can tell me." He murmured, rubbing her back reassuringly.

"I don't want you to leave again." She sniffled, sobbing quietly into Ashton chest as his heart broke into a thousand pieces. "I'm scared you won't come back Daddy. I need you."

Ashton sat silently for a moment, just holding her and trying to comfort her, not knowing what to say yet. He always knew in the back of his mind that his little girl felt this way, but somehow he was still shocked to hear her say it.

"Hey, Y/D/N, I need you to know that i'm always gonna come back to you. You'll never ever be on your own, okay? I promise i'll always be here for you. I have to go work with your uncles, but i'll still be right here, okay?" He said, holding his large hand over where her heart is.

"I love you Daddy." She sniffled, nuzzling closer to his chest like she never wanted to let him go.

"I love you too baby." He replied, cuddling her closer to him. "I'm never gonna leave you forever."


Y/D/N Hood sat at her computer desk, her head in her hands, flicking her eyes over the multiple textbooks in front of her. Biology, Spanish and Philosophy work jumbling around in her head.
She hadn't eaten today. She couldn't; she was too stressed and anxious about her exams to have time or the ability to eat.

"Snuggle bug?" Calum called, opening her bedroom door and carrying a plate of takeaway Nando's. "I brought you some food."

"Thanks Dad." She replied, sighing deeply and attempting to smile at him.
"Baby, you look so stressed." He said, rubbing her back as he knelt down next to her chair. "You need to relax, go take a break.

"I can't." She refused, resting her head on his shoulder. I need to revise."

"No, baby. You're gonna do amazing in these exams, but only if you focus. You need to eat and sleep, keep yourself healthy. Come on, come eat with me and we'll watch a movie, okay?" He offered, kissing her temple.

She nodded and stood up, wobbling over and she became quickly light headed.
"You definitely need to eat, c'mon."


She hopped down the stairs and peeked round the corner of the lounge, seeing her Daddy sat watching TV alone because her Mummy had gone to bed earlier, exhausted from recently having her baby brother.

"Daddy?" She whispered, so quiet that he could barely hear her.

"Hey sweetie, what are you doing up?" He asked, pulling her to his chest, and smoothing her hair over. "You need lots of sleep ready for school tomorrow."

He felt her body start to shake as she began to cry into his chest, all the anxieties and worries coming out all of a sudden.

"Shh, shh." He soothed, rubbing her back rhythmically and kissing her head multiple times. "You're okay."

"Do I hafta go to school?" She asked sadly, looking up at Luke with her mirroring blue eyes. "I wanna stay home with you and Mummy."

"I wish you could too baby." He sighed, feeling guilty that he didn't realize how scared she was before. "But you need to go learn things and make lots of new friends."

"What if they don't like me?" She mumbled, rubbing her eyes as the tiredness and tears washed over her body.

"They'll love you, I promise. Because you're a special little girl and they'll all want to be friends with you!" He smiled, trying to reassure her. "You just remember, Mummy and me will always love you the most though, okay? And your baby brother too. We'll always be here no matter how big you get, or what happens, an-"

Looking down, he realized that she had fallen asleep pressed up against his chest, and he knew that he'd always need to be there for her and protect her for the rest of her life.


"Can you watch Y/D/N whilst I go rest? I'm so tired." You rubbed your forehead and then your 8 month pregnant tummy, needing to take the weight off your feet.

"Of course, you go rest." He smiled, as you thanked him and went to sleep. His daughter was sat at the other end of the sofa, cuddling her Dolly and yawning every so often.

"Are you excited to be a big sister?" He asked the four year old, putting his Xbox controller down on the table in front of him.

Her lip trembled and quivered, her eyes filling with tears and her hand quickly going to wipe them away.

"Baby?" He said, going to sit closer to her and wrap his arm around her small waist, pulling her into his lap. "Go on then, tell me what's wrong."

"You and Mummy won't love me anymore." She mumbled, fresh tears streaming down her face. "You'll have the new baby instead of me."

"Oh dear." He whispered, finally noticing why she had been so quiet recently, and not being interested and talking about the new addition to the family. "You'll never be replaced, you'll always be my first baby! And he's a boy, you're my special princess."

"Really? I'm special?" She asked him, her eyes brightening in the hopes of being different to her baby brother.

"Of course! Daddy's have lots of love in their hearts to give to all of their children." He said, but then leaned in closer to her ear to whisper, "You'll always have the most love."

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