#27 - You Get Hurt

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A/N - hiiii☺️i'm sorry for not posting in a while! I have been writing on my daddy 5sos imagines, so if you wanna read them them you can find them on my page!💘 ily guys!xxx


You had a huge passion for football; you had since you were younger, and you finally got to be on the girls team for your city. Ashton was really proud of you, and made sure that he had the day off so he could go and watch your final match of the season because he knew how much it meant to you.

"Good luck babe, you're gonna be great." He smiles, kissing you gently before you run on to the pitch.

Half way through the game, your team was winning and things were going great. Right until the moment that you went to kick the ball and another girl tripped you up, causing you to land on your ankle.

You fell over crying in pain, clutching your foot. You became short of breath; mostly out of shock and pain.

Ashton ran on to the pitch with the first aid team, kneeling down next to you.

"You're fine sweetie, everything's okay, you're okay." Ashton murmurs, pecking your cheek multiple times. "Take some deep breaths, you're okay."

You were carried on a stretcher to the ambulance, Ashton with you and holding your hand the whole time.

"Thanks for being here Ash." You smile weakly, looking up at him.

"I'm always gonna be here." He replied, winking and kissing your knuckles.


"Hey Y/N, are you nearly ready? We're gonna be late babe!" Calum shouted up the stairs.

"Give me 5 minutes Cal!" You reply, spraying the sweet smelling perfume onto your wrists and neck.

Next you went to the wardrobe, shifting through all of the high heels stuffed in the bottom.

You picked out a pair of silver heels, before you hear Calum shouting again.

"Come on babe!" He sighs, as you quickly slam the wardrobe door, trapping your finger in the door in a panic. 

"Ouch, shit..." You mumble, as your finger started to bruise already. You'd only caught it slightly in the door but your skin was sensitive; you bruised like a peach.

"Are you still no-" Calum started, entering the bedroom. "What's wrong?"

"I trapped my finger in the wardrobe door..." You mumble, slightly embarrassed.

"Oh babe, you are so clumsy." He laughs slightly, before kissing it better and wrapping his arm around your waist, finally leaving the house.


 It was a warm summers evening, and wanting to make the most of the time you both had together before he left for tour, you decided to go on a bike ride together.

You hadn't rode a bike in ages but you felt confident; it's easy, right? You've done this so many before.

The first half of the ride was so much fun, you and Luke riding around the quieter areas of the neighbourhood.

On the way back, you were speeding down one of the biggest hills you've ever seen and skidded at the bottom, rolling accross the ground. You whacked your head on the hard ground as you landed.

You scraped your back and shoulders, your whole top half stinging in pain.

"Babe? What the hell happened?" Luke asked, hopping off your bike and kneeling next to you.

"Luke, it hurts so bad, help, I can't breathe, Luke..." You panted, trying to catch your breath.

"Shh, shh, you're fine baby girl. I'm gonna call you an ambulance, your whole back is pretty bad..." He mumbled, "Shh, you're okay."

"I can't breathe properly Luke, I feel dizzy, you have to help me..." You panic.

"Y/N, listen to me baby, you're okay, you're gonna be fine. Just relax, listen to my voice, shh." He said, stroking your cheek with his index finger to soothe you. "I'm right here babe.."


You were out for a quiet lunch with Michael, wanting to look around the city for a while. You never realized how many fans 5SOS had in the small cities you had never been to before, so the response to them shocked you.

"It's so nice to spend some time with you." You smile. placing your hand over his on the table.

"You too babe." He replies, as the waitress approaches your table.

"I'm sorry to disturb you both, but there's quite a large crowd outside... They're all waiting for you." She said, peering out of the window. "I'm sorry but we don't have any other exits."

The anxiety bubbled in your stomach, the thought of all of those people and having no room to move. Michael sighed, rubbed his temples and thanked the waitress.

"It's gonna be okay baby, I promise. Just make sure you keep close to me, okay?" He said, gripping your hand in his.

You both made your way through the screaming girls, getting closer and closer to the car. Your hand loosened and Michael was dragged in front of you, so you lost sight of him. At the same time, one girl hit you in the face and another pulled your hair.

"Get off her! Who the hell do you think you are?!" Michael shouted over the crowd, pulling you to the car, tears already escaping your eyes.

"I'm here now Y/N, it's just us babe, they've gone." He said with a concerned tone. "I'm so sorry baby, i'll never let that happen to you again."

A/N - I got Luke's inspiration from FunForLouis, hope his back gets bettter soon!xxx

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