#13 - You Tell Him You're Pregnant

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A/N - this was also a request from marshmellows, thankyou for commenting! ily xxxx


You and Ashton had been trying to have a baby for ages, and now you were showing pregnancy symptoms, you were both getting excited.

"Maybe we should get a test, just in case. Don't get your hopes up though babe." Ashton suggested.

You nipped out to the shop and bought a test. You had never been as nervous in your whole life.

"It's okay if it's negative babe, we'll keep trying." Ashton smiled, but you could tell how much he wanted this.

You took the test and waited five minutes. Hands shaking, you glanced at the test.

"Ashton?" You called, stepping out of the bathroom. "We're having a baby!"


Calum was currently on tour with the boys and One Direction, whilst you had to stay at home because of work.

You had thrown up a few times this week but you shrugged it off thinking it was just a virus, but when you missed your period, you knew what is was.

You bought a test then found out that you and Calum were having a baby...

"Hey Cal." You say down the phone.

"Hey babe, how are you?" He replies.

"I have something to tell you Calum... I'm pregnant."

"Really?!" He replies, shocked. "That's great babe! I'll fly you out here so we can be together okay? I love you."


You rushed out of bed, the feeling of nausea returning this morning. You quickly hung you head over the toilet and threw up the contents of your stomach.

"It's okay babe, I'm right here." Luke murmurs, rubbing your back and holding your hair.

"Why does this keep happening Luke?!" You cry into his chest, feeling weak.

"You don't think..." He mumbled.


"Are you pregnant?!"

It never hit you that you might be pregnant, but Luke got you a test and ten minutes later you found out you were having a baby.


You were both too young for this. He was just starting his music career, just becoming big and following his dream. This baby could just ruin everything.

"Michael? I need to talk to you." You say, worriedly.

"You're kinda scaring me but okay." He replies, laying in bed with you.

"I'm sorry Michael..." You tear up.

"Now you're really scaring me."

"I'm pregnant Michael." You murmur.

He sits silent for a second, before a huge grin crept up on his face.

"Why are you sorry?! This is amazing! We're having a baby, this is amazing."

A/N - my next preference should be 'He Says Something Bad About You To The Boys' part twooooooo🙈👌

And I was thinking we could do a thing where you guys get to know me, so if there's anything you want to know then ask me some questions in the comments! Thankyou💖

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