#37 - Christmas With Your Children

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A/N - look how adorable this photo is, ohmygod😨😨😨 hope everyone has a nice christmas🎄🎅


You sat on the sofa cuddling with your two week old daughter, having just finished feeding her. Ashton was in the corner of the room battling with the Christmas tree in an attempt to decorate it.

"Look how silly your Daddy is baby." You chuckled, as he nearly ended up wrapping the lights around himself. "Ash, just get the lights on to the tree then i'll put the baubles

"No no no, you can relax. You need to relax and take it slow, yeah?" He smiled, coming to kneel in front of you. "She can be the angel on top of the tree."

"Um, no. She's fine down here thank you." You replied, him chuckling and kissing her forehead.

"This is the start of our family, sweetie." He murmured, pulling you in for a kiss. "And I couldn't be happier that i'm spending the rest of my life with you two."

You became tearful and your heart warmed, just knowing that Ashton loved you made you happier than ever.

"I'm determined to be a better Father than mine ever was, even for the two years he was there. She deserves it." He mumbled, stroking her cheek.

"And you deserved it too Ash. I know you're gonna be the best Dad in the world, you already have been just in the three weeks. Merry Christmas, baby."


"Wake up Daddy!" "Mummy? Has Santa been?" "Daddy, Mummy!"

The two of your groaned as you opened your eyes, seeing the three children bouncing on the bed in front of you. It was definitely too early; the room was still dark.

"Well, Merry Christmas babies." Calum mumbled, opening his arms as the six, four and three year old snuggled into his chest. He used his other arm to pull you closer to him, having a family cuddle.

"Should we go see if Santa has left you anything?" You asked, the kids squealing excitedly. They all ran ahead as you put on your dressing gown and Calum slipped on a shirt, already wearing pants.

"Look Daddy!" Your littlest girl ran up to Calum and he picked her up, resting her on his hip. "Look!"

"Wow baby! You've been good this year, hm?" He replied, pecking her cheek.
You and Calum watched over them as they opened all of their gifts, squeals of excitement spilling from their mouths. It was hard work and still early in the morning, but you couldn't be more grateful.


"I can't believe she got sick on her first Christmas." He pouted sadly, lightly stroking the tuffs of brown hair on the 9 month old's head. "This will be her only first Christmas and she can't enjoy it."

"I know, but she won't remember it Luke." You replied, as she let out a sneeze which startled her, causing her to wake up.

"I'm sorry you're sick baby girl." He murmured, bringing her up to his shoulder and rubbing her back, nuzzling into her soft neck.

She whined and his heart ached for her, just wanting for his baby girl to feel better.

"I love you, you're gonna feel better soon, I promise." He added, kissing all over her head. "Shh, Daddy's right here."

"I know she's ill but let me cuddle with that beautiful baby." Liz smiled, taking her into her arms and rocking her. What she didn't know was your baby had become very clingy to Luke and didn't want to be apart from him. "No no, don't cry for me!"

"It's not you Mum, it's only because she's ill." He reassured her, as Liz passed her back to Luke and he held her close, kissing and hushing her softly. "Maybe we'll count next year as her first Christmas."


Traditional Christmas music played throughout the house as you stirred the three mugs of hot chocolate, ready for your annual Christmas movie night. You also had an extra surprise for them.

You sat on the sofa next to Michael with your eight year old daughter snuggled in between you both, the movie beginning.

"Oh wait," You said, pausing the TV, the two of them giving you a confused look. "I know it isn't Christmas for another few days but I have an early present for you both.

You handed the two of them a small box and they opened it, confused and excited at the same time.

"Silly Mummy! I had these when I was a baby, i'm a big girl now." Your daughter giggled, looking at the pacifier in the box.

"No..." Michael grinned, tears filling his eyes. "You're... We're having another baby?"

"How would you like to be a big sister Y/D/N?"

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