#5 - He Comes Back From Tour

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Heyyyy! I'm so glad im I'm actually getting reads! Thankyou so much to everyone!☺️ my Tumblr is myhemmingsbabe.tumblr.com and my Twitter username is @myhemmingsbabe ☺️ ily all! Xxxx


"Baaaabbe?" Ashton calls out. He just returned home to London after touring the UK for a few months. It's 11:00pm but you told him you'd stay awake to see him. "I'm hommmeee."

Ashton walks into the living room to find you, and he does. You're curled up on the sofa wearing one of his hoodies.

"Baby?" He whispers, kissing your cheek multiple times.

"Ashton?" You reply, dazed.

"Yeah it's me, hey baby." He smiles, as you fully wake up and wrap your arms around him, just so happy to see each other again. "C'mon babe, lets go to bed."


He walked through the airport with his three band mates and his guitar case, trying to find you as quickly as possible.

Luke noticed him looking around and then he said "Cal, there she is."

He looked over in your direction and his face lit up as you waved at him.

"Cal!" You squealed, jumping into his arms.

"Hey cutie." he smiled, kissing all over your face. "I missed you so much."


You were sat with your one year old daughter at home, waiting for Luke to return from his one month-long tour.

"Helllooooo!?" Luke called out, dropping his bags at the door.

"Dada, dada!" She giggled, clapping her hands.

"Hey baby girl! I missed you so much cutie." Luke picked her up and held her to his chest. "And I missed you too sweetheart."

"I'm so glad you're home." You smile, kissing him passionately.


You were currently cleaning the house from top to bottom so it would be tidy for when Michael came home.

Then you started to prepare a huge meal for the two of you so you could catch up. It was all planned to be done by the time he got home.

You were half way through cooking when the door opened and Michael entered with a huge grin on his face.

"Michael! You're early!" You shout. "The food isn't done yet..."

"Aw babe, you're so cute. I missed you so much." He mumbled, pressing his lips to yours quickly.

A/N - feedback appreciated as always:-) love you all! Xxxx

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