#10 - Cuddles

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A/N - hey everyone, in a writing mood so please please leave some requests! keep voting+following+commenting please! thankyou!xxx


You and Ashton are a similar height; him being a tiny bit taller, so you're perfect for when it comes to hugging. He wraps his arms around your waist an you rest your head on his shoulder. He says stupid things in your ear to make you laugh and that makes him smile too.


You and Calum are always cuddling. Even when you're out with the boys or in the studio with him, you're cuddling. You like to snuggle into his chest and feel his heartbeat, and feel his chest vibrate when he laughs. Cuddling is your favourite thing to do when you're with eachother.


Luke is significantly taller than you, so you love hugging him because you feel safe and like he's protecting you. He likes to know that you feel safe when you're with him. You wrap your arms around his chest and he has his around your shoulders, as he rubs the top of your back.


Your favourite thing to do with Michael is to have lazy days, where you cuddle in bed all day and watch movies. You always have your head on his chest and his wraps his arms around you, and he draws shapes on your back with his long fingers. It's a great way to catch up when he gets home from a tour.

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