#20 - Miscarriages

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A/N - requested by perfctlyirwin :-) this is gonna be sad, hope I don't make anyone cry!😥xxx


You were really nervous; sat in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to call you in. You were shaking. You and Ashton were waiting for another baby scan, but you felt different today. And not in a good way.

"Hey, Y/N. Calm down babe, it's gonna be okay." Ashton smiles reassuringly, holding your hand and rubbing your palm. "You feeling okay?"

You nod slowly, taking a deep breath. He uses his other hand to rub your small baby bump, which makes you want to cry even more.

"It's gonna be fine babe, relax." He murmurs, kissing your cheek.


You laid on the bed as the doctor prepared to do the scan, Ashton still holding your hand.

"Okay, let's look at your baby shall we?" the nurse smiles. Your heart started beating faster than ever before, feeling sick.

You and Ashton glanced at each other worriedly, as the doctor didn't say anything and you couldn't read what her face was saying.

"Mr and Mrs Irwin, i'm really sorry. I can't find the heartbeat, I believe you're suffering a miscarriage."

Your heart stopped and shattered into a million pieces. Your chest tightened, suddenly finding it hard to breathe. Ashton was numb, he just sat staring at the screen that should have displayed the picture of your baby.

"Ashton, our baby." You sob, suddenly bursting into tears.

"I know babe, I know. Shhhh, I'm here." He whispers, hugging you tightly and rubbing your back. "I love you sweetie, this isn't your fault."


Calum returns home from the studio at 10:00pm, expecting to find you asleep. You're three months pregnant and already you're constantly tired.

He's just about to grab a late night snack when he heard the sound of crying coming from the living room.

"Hey, baby, is everything okay? What's wrong?" He rushes over to you on the sofa where you're sat wearing one of his tshirts.

You continue to cry, cuddling into Calum's side as he rubs your back.

"Babe speak to me, what's wrong?" He asks, brushing the hair out of your face.

"I haven't felt her kick all day." You cry. "And I was bleeding earlier."

"Darlin' you should've called me! I'll call the doctors, we'll go first thing in the morning."

You had fallen asleep in bed but Calum just couldn't. He was so terrified of losing the baby that everyone was so excited for, that he had been wanting all of his life..


"So you haven't felt the baby kick for over 24 hours?" The nurse asked. You shook your head, murmuring a small 'no'.

"And you mentioned that you were bleeding?" Y/N nodded and took a deep breath.

"Okay, well this could just be normal but we'll do an ultrasound just to make sure everything's okay."

The Doctor squirted the gel on your stomach then moved the wand around. Her facial expression changed and she sighed quietly. Calum knew what she was going to say.

"I'm so sorry, you've had a miscarriage. This is common for a first pregnancy, it wasn't anyone's fault. Here's a leaflet on what to do next. I'm really sorry."

"No! No! My baby, Cal our baby." You break down as Calum shh's you and calms you down, both of you purely heartbroken.


"Baby?" Luke murmurs, kneeling down next to the bed where you were laid, feeling empty and numb.

"I want a baby Luke." You whimper, your tears starting again.

"I know sweetheart, me too." He sighs, stroking your hair. "The boys are here, they want to see you if you're up to it."

"Sure, just let me shower first." You mumble, sitting up slowly.


"Boys... as you can imagine, Y/N's heartbroken, so go easy with her yeah?" Luke said to the boys.

"Of course we will mate, don't worry." Calum sends him a sympathetic smile.


You exit the shower and look at yourself in the mirror, noticing that your small bump had already gone. It honestly broke your heart, and you felt guilty, like you had also let Luke down.

You leave your hair to dry itself and slip into one of Luke's tshirts, wearing joggers on your bottom half.

You walked downstairs to find the boys sitting in the lounge, talking to eachother.

"Hey beautiful, how you feeling?" Luke asks, standing up and pulling you into his arms.

"A bit better thanks." You smiled slightly, for the first time since it happened.

"We're so sorry Y/N." Michael sighed, standing up to hug you. The boys agreed and hugged you also.

"But we're here for you, both of you. We'll help you get through this." Ashton said, the boys nodding.

"I love you guys." You cry, falling into Luke's arms. He held you close and rubbed your back, trying to comfort you. He had no idea how to make you happy again, but with the boys help, he felt more positive than before.


He was tour, having fun and living his dream with his three best friends. How could you tell him that your baby was dead?

You were dreading the though of telling Michael that you had lost the baby, it would break his heart. You were heartbroken and you were alone.

You held the phone in your hand, shaking as you dialled his number.

"Babe? Is everything okay? I can't talk for long, I have to be on stage in like 10 minutes."

Just hearing his voice was enough to break you.

"Sweetheart?" He asks. "What's wrong? It's not the baby is it?"

"Yeah... Um Michael, i'm so sorry." You were full on sobbing now, finding it hard to breathe. "I lost the baby."

Michael went silent for a moment, his heart shattering.

"Babe? Are you still there? I'm coming home, screw the tour. We need eachother. I'll be home as soon as possible, okay?"

"Bye Mikey, I love you."


You ended up crying yourself to sleep, and found yourself hours later being woken up by Michael.

"Michael?" You mumble, as you open your eyes.

"Shh, it's okay babe. I'm here now." Michael says, singling down next to you on the sofa. "We can try again, it's okay."

"I want the baby though, we could have had a baby." You sob into his chest.

"Shhh, babe, listen to me. Maybe the timing just wasn't right..." He whispered, kissing your head. "I promise we'll have a baby someday babe, I promise."

A/N - thanks for reading, this is possibly the longest preference I've ever written! Thanks for the votes:-)xxxx

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