#4 - Say Something [Song Preference]

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This is the song "Say Something" by A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera, I really like this song+the lyrics so I thought I'd write a preference for it:-)


Say something, I'm giving up on you.

Ashton sat on the uncomfortable chair next to your hospital bed. He was holding your hand and stroking his thumb over your palm.

"Please speak to me baby, can you hear me? Please, just say something, say anything. Please baby." He cried, desperately.

"She's gonna wake up Ash, just give her time." Luke murmured, patting Ashton's shoulder.

"I don't know anymore Luke, it's been two weeks..."

"She's gonna be okay." Calum whispers.


I'll be the one if you want me to.

"You need help, and I'm willing to help, but if you let me." Cal whispers against your ear.

"I don't know Calum, I mean... I don't want to burden you, you're busy, you're famous..."

"We aren't famous, and even if we were, why would it matter? I want to help you, I really want to help. It hurts me to see you like this." He murmurs, tears clouding his eyes.

"Are you sure about this Calum?" You ask.

"Of course I am. I can help you babe,  I can help..."


I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.

"L-luke, I-..." You stutter, as Luke slips behind you in bed.

"Sh, shh. Just relax babe, it's okay, i'm here now." He whispers.

"I lost the baby Luke, i'm sorry." You sob into his chest. 

"I know sweetheart, it's okay. I'm sorry I wasn't here when it happened." He sighs, his own tears filling his eyes.

"I'm sorry Lu-"

"Don't you dare apologize babe, it's not your fault. We'll have another baby, shhh."


 Anywhere I would've followed you.

"I can't do this..." Michael murmured, mostly to himself. 

"You can Mikey, do it for Y/N." Luke replies, hugging Michael.

Michael walks to the front of the church, he can't believe that he actually has to attend his beautiful girlfriend's funeral. He's still in shock, six weeks after your death.

"We were gonna travel the world, get married, have a family..." He continued. "I would've done anything for her. I wish I was the one being taken away from this world, not her, she didn't deserve it...."

A/N - happy with this one yey:-) I ACTUALLY HAVE READS ON HERE I NEVER REALISED WOO! Shoutout to Alley LaDonna, Leslie_Irwin and LukesAngelxxx for commenting! Anyone else who comments will also get a shoutout:-) ily all! Lauren xxxx

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