2.6 -- Q & Ayyyyyee

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Hell0  everyone!!! I grabbed everyone and put them in a room together to answer your questions--of course Luke opposed many times but-who gives a fuck about his feelings...hehehehee c:

cake_quake, I took my dog to get his shots today, and the vet looked like you! 0.0

You guys sent in a lot of questions so bare with me

Dedicated to

upinthe_hoodings cliffokitten lukehoodings _cake_and_bake_ Tfiohood highonhoodings I-have-noname and others who sent in questions



what does that mean? i think it means what's up, if so whad up

-I want a tattoo could ya do it for me?

I don't do the tattoos, the workers do it. You could ask Luke, he's the best artist here. :)

-Hi Tony


-You're cool

thanks little one :)


-do you wanna have michael's name in a tattoo heart


-what's the best tattoo that you have or have done

i did a tattoo for michael once, it was my first one, and he let me do it on him *blushes and smiles* he never tells anyone though. it's on his stomach.

-How have you put up with Luke's shit for so long?

*sighs* I used to be just like him, talk about people, having sex daily, doing drugs, that's why michael broke it off with me, and I realized how much i loved him. Luke is cool once you get to know him, he's a little bit of a dick though...


*blushes* we cuddle every night, umm--well i technically sneak in his window and we cuddle, i let him be the big spoon once in a while and he kisses my neck and head....umm, he's okay *smiles and blushes*


-wdyt about luke and calum's situation rn

i-i think they should get it together because they both are sick right now, and if they don't get their minds straight and follow what their heart is telling them; then---you know ):

-random ass question but..any kinks? >_- (dumb straight face wink)

umm, does ashton wearing lace panties count? cause that'd be so hot

-hey u wanna kiss ashton or nah

we're dating, i can have those plush lips all i want!

-Do you ship Cake?

no. I don't want luke hurting calum! you know he will! i don't see why his parents are shipping them. Calum's too sweet and Luke's too bad, he's a player and an alcoholic and he doesn't deserve Calum. You may get mad at me and stuff, but think about it, this isn't one of those romantic movies where the bad-boy changes and shit.

Tattoo Artist : CAKE Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant