4.1 -- When he smiles

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"Why are we here?"

"So you both can get along"

"That's not going to work, Calum"

"It will! I'll bring snacks!" Calum went into the kitchen leaving Johnny and Luke together.

"I don't like you, Johnny...at all"

"I don't know why though, I didn't do anything to you", he sighed.

"You took away the only person I care about, how the fuck do you not know what you did?"

"Calum's not even yours"

"Yes he is!"

"Yesterday he told me he loved me"

"Yesterday he wanted to fuck me, so I think I win"

"Not that I believe you, cause I don't--love wins over sex any day. Why are you trying to steal him away from me? I did nothing to you"

"You never had him he's always been mine"

"Oh, yes he has, he sure said he was mine when we were making out"

Luke's jaw and fists clenched, "I am so sorry, I'll think twice"

"Good, friends?"

"Yep, we're pals now"

Calum came back and smiled, "you guys didn't kill each other"

"Babe, sit on my lap" Johnny patted his legs.

Calum sat on him and gave Luke an apologetic look. "Umm, let's play FIFA"

"I don't like that game", Luke commented.

"Then me and my Calum can play" Johnny said getting controllers for him and Cal.

"What's up with you, are you trying to make me jealous 'cause It's not working"

"Good", Johnny turned Calum's head and began kissing him.

Luke huffed and went into the kitchen, "let's see who wins in the end" he smirked and searched through the drawers finding what he needed; a knife. He hid it in his pants and walked back into the living room. "Johnny? Can we talk on the patio?"

"Yeah sure, I'll be back, doughnut" Johnny spoke kissing his forehead.

"That's my nickname for Calum"


They went on the patio and Luke closed the door. "Let's hug, I think we should come together and be bros"

"Okay" Johnny smiled.

They hugged and Luke reached into his pants and pulled out the knife. He sliced Johnny's arm and smirked putting it back into his pants. They stopped hugging and went back inside. Luke put he knife back in the drawer and went into the living room.

"What do you mean you got cut?" Calum asked.

"Luke! He cut me!"


"Hey guys wassup?" Luke played it off.

"Lukey, Johnny said you cut him"

"He's lying, I wouldn't cut anyone. I mean I'm bad but not evil"

"You do! You have the knife in your pants!!"

"I don't see a knife here"

"You bitch, you know you cut me and got my Calum fooled"

"Johnny! How many times do I have to fucking tell you Calum's not yours, he's mine! And if you have a fucking problem with that lets settle it like men!" Luke yelled.

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