3.8 -- I don't share what's mine

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Sorry Lukey, I can't make it again tonight, Johnny and I are going golfing I hope you aren't mad )): DID YOU KNOW HE HAS A MANSION WITH A GOLF COURSE IN IT!!!! I'll see you later (:

"Johnny this Johnny that! He's not even good looking!!" Luke shouted to Michael and Ashton.

"Umm, Johnny is good looking, I mean when cal and I were kids all the girls chased after him. I don't think you should worry, I think Johnny is straight", Michael explained.

"What the fucking hell!"

"Dude why are you mad? You're the one who told him to find new friends" a smirk plastered on Ashton's face.

"I know but we never even cuddle anymore", Luke sighed playing with a random piece of paper, "I fucking hate that. Calum's mine now and Johnny can't just come back and take him away from me...can he?"

Luke sounded so heartbroken and Ashton and Michael stopped teasing him for once. (It kept changing teasing to reading like, bitch, if I wanted it to say reading I would've put it)

"In the end Calum will come back to you" Michael said.

"What if he doesn't? I was planning on inviting him to the dinner thing my mom and dad are having, but if he and that shit keep going at it, I won't have Calum anymore. I mean I already lost him"

"You did not lose Calum! So shut the hell up! And be Luke again!" Ashton yelled.

"There's no Luke without Calum, it just, it just won't work"

"Why in the hell are you talking like that? He only blew you off like umm-"

"Four times, actually five because he canceled our plans again for today. That stupid guy is taking Calum away from me! I don't like sharing what's mine!"

"Okay, Luke, chill" Michael tried to calm him down.

"No!!! I don't want to fucking chill! I'm going to beat his fucking ass!"

"Um, can you go boxing or something, you need to relieve all that stress. You might yell at Calum and make him cry"

Luke growled and snatched his keys off the table muttering curse words as he left Ashton's flat.


"Oi Luke! What's up, haven't seen you here in a while" his trainer; Foxy smiled widely.

"Fucking put me in the ring"

"Luke, you haven't warmed up or anything"


"O-okay", he fumbled with the papers, "you're with Cody"

Luke put the mouth piece in and glared at Cody imagining Johnny. He tilted his head left and right cracking his neck.

"1, 2, 3!"

Luke punched Cody in the face and kicked him down. He plopped onto him and punched him in the face a numerous of times.

"1, 2, 3! Hemmo is the winner!"

Luke still tried to hit Cody until they pulled him off, "what's your problem man?!"

"He stole Calum away from me!" Luke shouted glaring at Cody.

"I don't know who Calum is!!"

Foxy took Luke in the back and searched his eyes, "what's up man? Who's Calum?"

"This stupid guy Johnny keeps hanging out with him, and I need to teach him to stay the hell away from what's not his" Luke cracked his knuckles.

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