Chapter 1

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Some say our destiny is tied to the land, as much a part of us as we are of it. Others say fate is woven together like a cloth so that one's destiny intertwines with many others. It's the one thing we search for or fight to change. Some never find it. But there are some who are led.

The story of how my father lost a leg to the demon bear Mor'du became a legend. I was a sister with three brothers, the princes Hamish, Hubert, and Harris. Wee devils more like. They get away with murder, but I can never get away from anything!

I was the princess. I was the example. I had duties, responsibilities, expectations. My whole life was planned out, for the day I would become, well, my mother! She was in charge of every single day of my life. My classes, my words, even my posture. She says I must strive for perfection, but that was not me. I was anything but perfect.

But every once in a while, there's a day when I don't have to be a princess. No lessons, no expectations. A day when anything can happen. A day I can change my fate. 

I smiled awake, rolling over in my slovenly sheets as the sunlight glowed at my face. My disheveled, bright red curls were scattered across my pillow, and every breath I exhaled smelled faintly of fresh cool upland air was flooding through the window. Glancing around my room, I noticed a messy assortment of boots, freshly-sharpened weapons, and other stationery items giving me a great pleasure. Hurriedly but surely, I pushed myself out of bed, letting my feet hit the cool, stone floor.

After getting dressed, I bolted out of my with my bow and arrow. I slid down the stair railing,  my heart pounding like a steady drum. Then, I ran to the stables and saddled up my horse, Angus. With that, we flew away from the castle and its rules.

The thundering of hooves split the silence as a lone stallion galloped through the bleak landscape. The wind wiped his mane into the air like flames. His muscles rippled from under his powerful legs. They propelled him forward and kept him going as he powered over the land.

I first started shooting arrows at targets I set up in the forest. I loved archery. It has been about ten years since I received my first bow for my sixth birthday. I was terrible when I started, but with years of practice, I became the best archer in the land. Anyway, I was shooting and riding, at the same time!

The cold wind was whispering my name. The sky was clear and bright. The misty mountains sing and beckon, leading me out into the light. Then I just explored. I even climbed the Crone's Tooth and drinks from the Fire Falls in joy. The deep water holds my reflection. It was wonderful. I wish I could be free. Free from rules, from tight dresses, from traditions.

Then, finally, I returned to the castle. I placed Angus in his stall and cleaned him up. After that, I came in the kitchen. I was greeted by some of the maids. I took some tarts for my brothers. Then I entered the dining hall. As I enter, I overheard my father telling his legend.

"From nowhere, the biggest bear you've ever seen! His hide littered with the weapons of fallen warriors—his face scarred with one dead eye! I drew my sword, and—"

I looked over to my brothers—they were bored to death. I interrupted, waking them, "Whoosh! One swipe, his sword shattered, then, chomp! Dad's leg was clean off! Down the monster's throat, it went."

"Aww, that's my favorite part!" Commented Dad.

"Mor'du has never been seen since. And he's roaming the wild, awaiting his chance for revenge." I roared to add some effect.

"Let him return. I'll finish what I gobbled in the first place," said Dad. I set my bow on the table.

Without a chance to look, my mom said, "Merida, a princess does not place her weapons on the table."

I rolled my eyes, "Mum, it's just my bow."

"A princess should not have weaponry in my opinion," She added.

I then gave up and just put my bow under my seat.

"Let her be! Princess or not, learning to fight is essential." Dad said.

I decided to change the subject so I told everyone about my day. How I climbed the Crone's Tooth and drinks from the Fire Falls. My dad said only the ancient kings were brave enough to drink the fire. I giggled at the idea. People always believed that only men can do athletic, brave activities. But they were wrong. I looked towards to my mother to see if she was listening. She was reading some paper.

Then finally, she noticed one thing—my plate. "Hungry aren't we?" my mother said, referring to the tarts.

"Mom!" I moaned.

"You'll get dreadful collywobbles," She then turned to Dad, "Oh, Fergus! Will you look at your daughter's plate?"

But my Dad was obviously not paying attention. Before she could say another word, the nursemaid, Maudie, gave her a letter on a silver tray. Mother read the letter. While she was reading, I slipped the plate of tarts under the tables for my brothers. They snuck down and gobbled them. Mother then smiled in delight.

"Fergus, they've accepted," She whispered.

"Who's accepted what, mother?" I asked.

Mother turns to the triplets, "Boys, you are excused."

The boys quickly make their exit, along with some tarts stuffed in their shirts.

"What did I do now?" I asked.

"Your father has something to discuss with you," She said.

Surprised by this, Dad suddenly spits out what he was drinking.


Dad nervously clears his throat. He started to hesitate, not knowing what to say.

"Lord Dingwall is presenting his son as a suitor for your betrothal." Mother interrupted.

"What?" I gasped.

"The clan has accepted."


"What?!" Dad defended.

"Honestly, Merida! I don't know why you're acting this way. This year a clan will present a suitor for your hand." Mother said.

"I'm the only princess that just does what she's told!" I shouted.

"A princess does not raise her voice. Merida, this is what you've been preparing for your whole life."

I wanted to cry as rage filled my belly. I felt my ears getting hot. I glared at her then spat out, "No! What you've been preparing me for my whole life!"

I rose up in anger and begin to walk off. I know that when tension is high I should inject love instead of anger, give my mother an olive branch instead of enmity, but sometimes it just was not that easy with Queen Elinor. She would get all up in my face and I get this urge to smack her down; but if I do that,  she would be gone, lost, hurting. So instead I take all the courage I have and use it to suppress my violent impulses.

"I won't go through with it! You can't force me!" That was the last thing I said before I stormed away.

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