Chapter 7

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I dropped into the middle of the forest. It was daytime. I looked around. I seemed to be in a deep rock pit. In the middle was a tall Douglas fir tree. Not as tall as the stone, but pretty tall. 

The tree stands mute in the summer air. The humidity encases us both and like the boughs above me I don't move. I stood at the base of the tree and looked up at it. I shaded my eyes from the glare of the sun and observed the trunk of the tree. The tree was so tall and the trunk was so wide. How was I going to climb it? I sighed. I just had to try. 

So, I kicked off my shoes and approached the tree. I pulled out my claws with my right hand, the side of the tree with the left. I dug my toes into the ground and pushed myself up. Because the tree was so wide and the bark of the tree was so smooth in some places and rough and knotty in others, it was difficult for me to climb the tree, or even get my footing. But, I continued on. I dug my toes and nails into the tree bark, getting what little grip I could and continued to push and pull myself up the tree. My arms and legs, and, well, everything hurt, but I had to make it to that big branch up top.

Finally, I reached the long, thick branch. Exhausted, I pulled myself up to the branch carefully and swung myself over it. I wiped my forehead with my arm and brushed the stray hairs off of my face. I looked down at the ground and smiled. I had done it. I had climbed a tree. I grinned from ear to ear. 

Up here, it's like looking down at the world. You can see the trees, the flowers, the sea and the many busy people going on about the day. Up here it's like standing on a giant's back exploring the world with awe.

All the trees were tightly-knit, just one strand in a massive web of life. Green leaves, yellow leaves, red leaves. It was a rainbow of rich, summer colors. The scent of earth and water drifted through the air. It was a picture of serenity, one which would endure for many long years.

Then my ears picked up a sound. A giggling, bubbling sound of joy; but it was too pure to be humane. Then my eyes spotted it, a waterfall. The waterfall tumbled down the hillside. The water tinkled in a laughing sort of way and the children imagined that this was the sort of places fairies might live. The rocks were slippery as they crossed the stream but there was an iron rope to hold on to. 

The wind whipped my hair about my face and she sucked in a deep breath. My muscles were poised as if to run away but instead, I brought my body to the edge. Now I trusted my life on the bear. As gravity took me fiercely toward the ground below I struggled to claim any of the air that rushed by for my own lungs. Then I pulled out the bear with a silent prayer. The second between release and deceleration felt like an eternity. I inhaled deeply savoring the realization that both my feet was on the ground. My hairy, now with claws, feet were on the ground; and I was in one solid piece. No pain, no regrets, just relief. My laughter was heard by no one but myself, I was pumped, exhilarated. 

I spun around. The green place was lush and wild, like a jungle without the trees, full of promise and hope. It was the place to make a treehouse. There was not any other perfect place for me to stay. I found a tunnel leading out of the alcove, hidden with a curtain of plants on the outside. Since it was in my nature to do this, I made my "territory" so I would find my way back.

It took me many weeks or months (I lost track of time) to finish the treehouse. I learned the way around the island during that time, memorizing the parts.

Also taught me some tricks with being part bear. I can bring features of the bear without turning into it. Like claws, teeth, smell speed, hearing, strength and so much more. I can now become the bear whenever I want, except for the full moon. I can even talk to animals and bugs.

Then the oddest thing happened. I woke up one morning, with a moon tattoo on my wrist. That was not even the odd part. It changes shape each day like the moon. It sort of became a moon calendar for me.

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