Fewer Secrets

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The boys and I were sitting at the dinner table on the top floor of the tour bus when I decided to ask them a question that I had been thinking about for a few days.

“Have you guys ever heard of a One Direction MPREG fan fiction?” I asked them and they all shook their heads.

“What is it?” Niall asked with a mouth full of spaghetti.

“Oh, you know, it’s just a fan fiction where one of you gets pregnant because you have a uterus attached to your arse,” I said as I casually took a sip of my water and the boys stared at me in shock. “Oh, and I forgot to mention that one of you guys have to have gay sex to get pregnant in these fan fictions.”

“W-What?” Liam stuttered after a moment.

“Are you serious?” Zayn added.

“Yep,” I said as I took a bite of my food.

“How did you find out about this?” Louis asked and I chucked at the look on his face.

“Meghan sent me a link to one of them that a fan tweeted her.”

“I never thought that there was anything else that the fans could do that could creep me out,” Niall muttered and continued eating.

“Agreed,” Harry said.

“Let’s change the topic to a less disturbing one,” Liam announced and the boys started talking about football, and since I had absolutely no interest in that what so ever, I completely ignored them and gave Danny his dinner.












I woke up in my bunk and I felt terrible. My head hurt, my stomach hurt and I was covered in a layer of sweat. It was still dark outside so I’m guessing it was around three a.m.

I sat up and got out of my bed and I walked to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet, not bothering to turn the lights on yet. I turned the shower on and closed the door, and then I stripped and flicked the light switch. Since the lights hurt my eyes, I kept them closed as I got into the shower and sat on the floor since I was too weak to stand.

I leaned my head against the wall and I just let the water hit me as I gained enough strength to open my eyes, but when I did, I let out a little yelp when I saw the floor of the shower.

I was sitting in a pool of blood.

My eyes widened and I started breathing quickly.

“No, no no no no no no!” I whispered to myself. “No, everything is okay. Everything has to be okay.”

I put my hands on my stomach and I just knew that someone was wrong.

Tears started running down my face and I felt my energy level draining.

I used my last amount of energy to let out a little scream before I leaned my head against the shower wall and my eyes rolled into the back of my head.









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