Shopping with Louis... In Victoria Secret???

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When we got into the mall, we went to Starbucks and ordered some coffee. Since the mall opened twenty minutes ago, there weren't really a lot of people there, but since it was a Saturday, I was sure it was going to fill up quickly with teenage girls who loved One Direction.

"Aren't you guys going to get recognized?" I asked them.

"Are you a fast runner?" Niall asked.

"No," I said quietly.

"Then let's hope we don't," he said with a smile.

"Where do you want to go first?" Louis asked.

"Deb," I said.

"I've never heard of that store, what is it?" Niall asked.

"It's a shop for teenage girls, so I think you would like it Louis," I said with a smile on my face.

"Nice one!" Niall said giving me a high-five and putting his arm around my shoulder.

Louis was pretending to fake cry while Niall and I laughed at him.

"Okay, okay, Lou stop it," Niall said. "Let's go and stop at Hollister and get Louis and I disguises so we won't be as easily recognized."

Louis nodded and I agreed so we walked to Hollister.

"I don't think that you should go in there," I told them .

"Why not?" Niall asked.

"Because it's going to be teenage girls and guys working there," I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"True," Niall muttered, and then pulled out his wallet and handed me his credit card. "Go and buy us whatever you want."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Buy me a hat, and Niall a beanie!" Louis said excitedly. "You know, so we can switch it up a little bit. Oh, and also two pairs of sunglasses."

"And if you see a shirt that you would like for us, or for yourself, buy it," Niall said. "Lou and I are both mediums."

"Okay, be back in a second," I said, and walked in. If only my friends knew that I was playing 'Dress One Direction'. They all have that app on their phones, but I get to play it in real life!

"Hello there, do you need any help finding anything?" A girl about my age asked me when I entered the store.

"Um, yes, I do actually. Where are the hats at?"

"Through that doorway and to the right," she said and pointed towards the boys section of the store.

"Thank you," I said, and walked the way she pointed.

When I saw the hats, I grabbed a white beanie for Niall, and a maroon flat billed hat for Louis. Then I went and started to look at the shirts. I got Niall a red plaid shirt, and Louis a light blue, v-necked shirt that said Hollister.

Before I paid, I went and grabbed two sunglasses off of a rack.

When I left, I handed them their clothes.

"Can I wear my suspenders?" Louis asked.

"I'm sorry Louis, but their your signature look. You can't," I told him. "And they really don't go with that shirt."

"Okay," he replied looking slightly sad.

"How do I look?" Niall asked once he buttoned up his shirt, put on his beanie and his sunglasses were on his face.

"Like a total douche," Louis said.

"Do I really?" Niall asked sounding shocked.

"Only a little," I told him.

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