Going Back Home

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When I got off my plane and walked through security, I saw my mum waiting for me.

"Everything's going to be okay," she told me as she hugged me.

"I want to believe that," I replied and pulled away from the hug, only to see that she was crying. "Mum, please don't cry."

"I can't help it," she said as she wiped away some of the tears. "My baby's in so much pain."

"Mum, I'm fine," I lied, and I could tell that she knew I was lying.

"No you're not, and you're not going to lie to me. We're always honest with each other, you know that," she stated and I nodded. "Now let go and get your suitcase and get home. Melody's waiting for you."

When Mum spoke of my dog, I couldn't help but smile.

"Okay," I told her and we headed to the carousels.






"Melody," I yelled as I walked through the door of my old home. Within three seconds, my dog was in front of my barking and whining. "How have you been?" I asked her and I crouched down to her level to pet her. "Have you missed me?"

"She's miss you a lot," my step dad said and I quickly stood up.

"Hey Bob," I said as I walked over to him and gave him a hug.

"Hey Britt," he replied and hugged me back.

"What have you been up to?"

"Nothing really, just making sure that your mum doesn't get into any trouble," he replied as he wrapped his arm around Mum's waist and I chuckled.

"Oh yeah, you better watch her. She's a huge trouble maker."

"Am not," Mum said.

"Sure you aren't," I replied sarcastically.

"Well, to change the topic," Mum said, "Your friends know you're back in town and they want to see you, so how about I take your luggage upstairs for you and you go and see them? Just be back for dinner."

"Okay, bye," I said and I headed out the door I had walked through about three minutes ago.






When I knocked on the door, I heard some shuffling, and when the door opened, I saw my tall, blonde friend. I only saw him for about half a second before he screamed and slammed the door in my face.

A few seconds later, Jake opened the door and pulled me into a hug.

"You okay?" he whispered into my hair and I nodded.

"Somewhat, but I'd rather not talk about it."

"Then I won't bring it up again," he said and pulled back from the hug and brought me into his room and I saw someone laying on his bed that I did not expect to be there. Much less have her, and Jake, look like they were just in a full blown snogging session. "Brittany, I would like you to meet my girlfriend," he said and gestured towards my red haired friend.

"Hi Brittany," Aspen said as she blushed and gave me a small wave.

I just stared at them in shock for a moment.

"Britt, you okay?" Jake asked and then I burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Aspen demanded but I was unable to respond.

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