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When I woke up, I was scared to look in the mirror. I could feel the wig falling out of my hair as I stood up, but then it stopped and just started to pull my hair out.

Since Danny wasn’t in my bunk, I went over to Harry’s and quietly pulled back his curtain. A smile formed on my face at the sight of a sleeping Harry holding a sleeping Danny in his arms.

I pulled the curtain closed as quietly walked upstairs as I pulled off my glue on eye lashes.

“You look stupid,” Meghan said from the kitchen with a smile on her face.

Thanks bitch,” I replied with a chuckle.

“Welcome slut. Now sit down so I can get that off your head.” I did what she said without complaining.

I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to get the wig and pins out of my hair by myself, and if I asked one of the boys, they would probably just pull out a pair of scissors to solve the problem.

I winced as she started to pull on my hair, but I distracted myself by talking to Meghan.

“How did the date go?” I asked.

“Well, it was going really well but then there was this chick that threw a popcorn bucket at us!” Meghan said with sarcasm filling her voice.

That bitch!” I replied.

I know!”

“But are you sure it was her? It could have been someone else who threw it and then army crawled out of the theater.”

“What?” Meghan gasped and started laughing. “Army crawled? Are you serious?” I nodded.

“Didn’t you see the picture I posted on twitter?”


I pulled out my phone and showed it to her. She started laughing so hard she was crying. And I didn’t blame her. It was probably the best picture that I had ever taken.

After a minute or two, she calmed down.

“How was dinner?” I asked.

“It was really nice actually. We went to dinner at about twelve forty five, and got back around two. The place we went to was so nice! It was this really fancy place that I’d never heard of, and I didn’t recognize anything off of the menu, so Liam ordered for me.”

“I don’t know wither that’s sweet or controlling,” I said and Meghan laughed.

“It was definitely sweet.”

“Were the boys awake when you got back?”

“Niall was. He made me go upstairs and told me that if I came back down before morning, I would lose a chunk of hair. Then he threatened to buzz Liam’s hair if he went upstairs. He didn’t really argue because apparently he’s trying to grow his hair back out.”

“That threat doesn’t surprise me. When we were on the way to the theater, the guys and I had a very serious discussion. I promised that I would talk to you about it, if they talked to Liam about it.”

“What is it?”

“Well, here’s the thing. The boys and I don’t think that you and Liam should have sex-,” Meghan cut me off.

Stop stop stop,” she said quickly. “Liam and I have went on one, I repeat one, date. Okay? I really don’t think that this conversation right now. I mean, we’re not even dating. We just went on one date, and he hasn’t even asked me to be his girlfriend yet. He might not even ask.”

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