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The boys' only opening act was walking off stage, and they looked a little relieved that it was over.

The band was called ASDFGHJKL. I had no idea how you pronounced it, but I thought it was a cool, creative name. The group was made up of four very attractive, American boys, and their music was 'Alternative' ish. I had no idea what their names were, so I decided to go and introduce myself, and find out.

"Heellloooo," I said to them.

"Hi," they said back.

"I'm Brittany," I said and held out my hand.

"I'm Eli," one of them replied. Eli kind of had an emo cut, with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. "This is my brother Emmett." He had short, dark brown hair with the same bright eyes as Eli. "Conner." He had brown hair that sort of had a Matt Smith style to it, with beautiful green eyes. "And Cody." He was a burnet with brown eyes.

"Nice to meet you guys," I said to them.

"You too," they all said.

"So, do you know One Direction?" Conner asked me.

"You don't?"

"No, we haven't met them yet," Emmett told me.

"Are they ass holes?" Eli asked.

"They seem like ass holes," Cody added.

"Brittany!" I heard Niall scream. Perfect timing.

"What?" I yelled.

"I need you!" he screamed.

"I'm not you bitch!" I yelled back. "If you need me for something! Come here!"

"Ugggggg!" Niall complained and walked over to me, and he was pushing Danny in his stroller.

"Yes," I asked him sweetly when he got to me.

"Will you go and find Paul, and give Danny to him?"

"Of course I will, but only if you say hello to these lovely people that are behind me."

"Hi, I'm Niall. You must be that band name that I can't pronounce. I can pronounce a lot of names, but yours is that one tumblr thing and-." I put my hand on Niall's stomach.

"Just stop Sweetheart. Just stop," I said to him and shook my head.

"Yes Mummy," he replied and the rest of the boys walked up. The band of four was looking at me really weirdly. Then again, the boys and I have a really odd relationship.

"So this is Niall, Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn," I said to the other boys. "If you didn't know, they're One Direction. One Direction, this is Eli, Emmett, Conner and Cody. They're your opening act."

"Hi," they all said to each other.

"We're being told that we now have fifteen seconds to get on stage so," Louis said, then gave me a kiss on the cheek and ran away like he was a mad man. The rest of the boys did the same, and all of them went on stage and the crowd went crazy.

The guys in front of me looked at me in shock. "So, yeah," I muttered to break the silence that was between us.

"You're friends with them?" Eli asked.

"I live with them and I have a horrible feeling that I'm going to be raising their child," I informed them.

"This is their baby?" Conner asked and gestured to Danny.


"Who's the dad?" Cody asked.

"Not Liam," I said.

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