Life Changing Moment

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Two Weeks Later...


Liam and I were the only one's awake. We were in the kitchen starting breakfast when we heard a light knock on the door. I put down the pancake mix I was mixing, and went to open the door.

"L-L-LIAM!" I screamed and he came running.

"What!" he asked as he jogged over. Then he gasped when he saw what was on the front porch. "What...What!"

I looked at Liam and said, "Is now really a good time for Doctor Who references?"

"It's always a good time for that," he replied and smiled at me. Then we looked to the ground again.

"He's probably so scared," I said and opened the door. I went and grabbed the baby carriers handle and brought him inside. I walked over and set it on the kitchen table.

"Should I get the boys?" Liam asked.

"Just scream for them," I replied and covered the babies ears.

"HELP! OH MY GOD! BOYS! HELP! BRITTANY'S HAVING A SEIZURE!!!" Within thirty seconds, everyone was downstairs. None were wearing shirts, and Harry had just got done pulling up his boxers when he got to the main floor.

"Oh thank god Brittany, you're okay," Niall told me and gave me a Horan hug.

"No, actually I'm not," I replied.

"Why?" Louis asked and I gestured behind me. That's when they noticed the baby.

"Why's there a baby?" Zayn asked in confusion.

"Well, what I'm thinking is that one of you guys had a one night stand, and now there's a baby," I told them. "But, then again, it might not be yours. It's just, well, I know it's not mine."

"When did it get here?" Harry asked.

"He got here about two minutes ago. Someone left him on the door step," Liam informed everyone.

"What are we supposed to do with him?" One of the boys asked.

"Well, first you should probably call Paul, then we should take all of you to the hospital, and get some maternity tests done," I told them.

Liam pulled out his phone and called Paul. "Hey Paul, sorry to be calling you... Yes, we know that it's your week off, it's just that we have a slight problem...Umm, well, ummm..." Niall took the phone from Liam.

"Hi, um, well, someone dropped a baby on the front porch and we don't know what to do...No, it's not Brittany's...Yes, we're going to go to the hospital soon...Okay, we'll let you know what happens, bye."

"Let's go get ready, I'll watch the baby," I told them and they all went upstairs. I took the carriers handle and brought it upstairs with me, and into my room.

The baby was asleep, and he looked adorable. I set the carrier on the floor and went to get ready.












Surprisingly, I was ready before the boys. I took the baby back down stairs with me, and he started to cry.

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