Going on the Graham Norton Show

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The next morning at breakfast, I was going to tell them, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

I mean, could you just tell five teenage boys that are like your brother that you got pregnant at the age of fifteen? I thought not.

"Britt, whatcha thinking so hard about?" Harry asked me.

"Nothing," I lied.

"Doubtful," Louis sang and everyone chuckled.

"So, what are your plans for today?" I asked the boys.

"What are you doing today?" Liam asked me instead of answering.

"Not sure, why?" I asked.

"Well, we have interview tonight, and everyone is just so interested about this new girl in our lives," Liam said.

"Also, they wanted us to bring you with us and have you come on at the end and talk about yourself a little and also tell everyone about the real One Direction," Harry finished.

"The real One Direction?" I asked.

"Yeah," Zayn said, "people want to know what we're really like and if we act different in public."

"You guys are just idiot, wither you're around people or not," I told them and they smiled.

"Then tell them that," Niall said.

"So, I have to go?" I asked.

"If you don't come with us willingly, you'll be coming with us forcefully," Harry said.












I decided to go with them willingly. I didn't really want to go because I didn't want to be on television (the Graham Norton Show), but I was going no matter what, so I might as well have been ready to go.

When we got there, the boys went to get ready and everything so I just went and sat on a couch and waited for me to be asked for. After a little while, Paul walked up to me. Since it was my first time meeting him, I tried to stay sane.

"You must be Brittany," Paul said with a smile and walked up to me with an opened hand.

"You must be Paul," I said and shook it.

"So, have the boys been behaving themselves?"

"Completely," I told him and smiled.

"That's good. I thought that a girl living with them would be a bad thing, but hey, they're here on time and haven't done anything to stupid in the past few weeks," Paul said and we both laughed.

"I don't know how you can handle them. Their fricking insane. You must have like magical powers to be able to keep them under control," I told Paul with a straight face.

"You know what Brittany, I thought that you were going to be this stuck up, rude, bitchy teenage girl. I was completely wrong," Paul said to me and I blushed.

"I'm going to take that as a complement, so thanks," I said. I could feel my smile getting wider.

A lady then walked up to me and said, "Brittany, can you come with me?"

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