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Hey guys, so since I like literally have no life, I'm going to rewrite this piece of shit book.

I highly doubt that any of you noticed but I accidently deleted the third book a few months ago and I decided to just not reupload it.

But the premise of the book will be the same. I'm going to make it a little more current, seeing as I started the book before Take Me Home came out.

Zayn is still going to be in it (But I might have him leave the band sometime during the book)

A lot will be the same but I'm getting rid of the shit that I put in, like the coma and the whole vampire fiasco. Sorry about that. I don't even know why I added it.

So if you want to read it, I've uploaded the first chapter. It's called Wanna be Loved (unless someone can think of a better title). (And while your thinking of a better title, you should come up with a better summary)

I'm sorry for ruining this story.

I love you all, my Sweeties.


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