Date Night

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I was sitting back stage holding Danny and talking to Eli when Liam walked through the curtains and over to the couch. He sat down by me and not so suddley took my phone from my pocket and started walking away without a word.  

I started at him and then shoved Danny into Eli's arms and followed Liam on stage. He went and sat on the couch that was set on the stage, and I walked over to him and sat on the edge of it. 

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked him and he pointed over his shoulder. The twitter question on the wall said 'Will one of you please make a phone call?'

"You're calling her?!?" I asked in a mixture of shock and amazement. Liam simply nodded.

"Everyone," Niall said into the microphone, "Please be quite." The audience started to talk less and less until the only sound was my ringing phone.

"Hey Britt," Meghan answered. She was on speaker phone and there was a microphone by my phone so everyone could hear her.

"Ummmmm, actually this is Liam," Liam replied.

"Oh, um, hi."

"I was wondering what you were doing the next couple of days," he said shyly and all the boys and I smiled.

"My parents are out of town, so nothing really. Why do you ask?"

"Well, because I think you're really pretty and I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me," Liam said quickly.

Meghan didn't respond.

"Meghan, say something," I told her after a few moments.

"I would love to go on a date with you," she replied and I could practically hear the smile that I knew was on her face. 

Some of the crowd cheered, and some of the crowd booed.

"What was that?" Meghan asked. Instead of answering, Louis stole the phone from Liam.

"Just pack a carry on and go to your airport. Tell the people there your name, and they'll give you a ticket, well pick you up. Bye," he said and handed me my phone back.

"Can you please tell Paul to get Meghan a ticket?" Harry asked sweetly. I nodded and took my phone, and walked back to the back stage area.

"Um, Paul," I said when I got to him. "The boys wanted-" he cut me off.

"I heard, and I already called," he told me with a smile. "But I'm going to put you in charge of Liam and Meghan since she's your friend."

"How would I be in charge of them?"

"Just try and make sure that she doesn't get pregnant."

"What! No, that would never happen! Meghan is like the Liam of my friend group. She’s had sex with a couple of guys, but she's really responsible and isn’t the type of person who would get preggers,” I said, and then I started to ramble. “Well, actually, the people who normally become preggers in high school are the people who you’d least expect it to be, so technically she is the type of person who would become preggers, but only because no one would expect it. Then again, we’re not in high school any more, but whatever. No one expected me to have a kid in high school, I didn’t even think that I would become a mother so early in life, and when I did, everyone was seriously shocked because I was one of the people who was nice to everyone, even if I hated them. Everyone though that I an ‘innocent, good kid’ and I thought that I was too, but Meghan’s more like that than I am. So, pretty much, Meghan isn’t the type of person who would do really stupid things and end up with a child, unlike me," I added quietly and Paul gave me a hug.

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