Guess Who Bottoms

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Narry has been secretly going on for a few weeks now. Management knows and they’re not the happiest, but they expected something that this to happen eventually.

They told their families, but the fans have yet to be informed.

Apparently they never plan to tell the fans. They said that they’re just waiting for someone to slip up or for them to get caught. Everyone agrees that it’s a good plan.

“Will someone go and wake up Harry and Niall and tell them that breakfast is ready?” I asked as the last of the table was set.

“Sure,” Zayn said and ran up the steps. “Breakf-ahhhh!” *slam*

Zayn slowly walked back downstairs and he looked abnormally pale.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I now know the answer to which one of them bottoms,” Zayn said and shuttered.

Liam, Louis and I burst out laughing.

“Are you serious?” Liam asked.

“Which one is it?” Louis questioned.

“It’s Niall,” I answered before Zayn said anything and they looked at me in confusion.

“How did you know?” Zayn asked.

“I’ve had to help him get off the ground of couple of times because he was to sore to move.”

“Are you serious?” Louis asked and I nodded.

“Yeah, and at least one guy in this house knows the pain us girls have to go through the next morning." The boys gave me weird looks but I ignored them. "We probably shouldn’t wait for them to eat,” I said and started eating my food.

A few minutes later Harry and Niall, with the help of Harry, walked down the stairs and sat at the table with us and they were trying their hardest not to smile, but when they saw Zayn’s face, they could help but laugh.

“You have mentally scarred me for life,” he informed them but that just made them laugh harder.

Niall was laughing so hard that his face was red and he fell off his chair and winced when he hit the ground.

“Is someone a little sore?” Louis asked and Niall face was no longer red from laughter, but from blushing.

He held his arms up and Harry helped him back into his chair.

“I vote we make a rule,” Liam said. “No sex when others are in the house.”

“How about no,” Harry said.

“Okay, well, you at least have to put something on the door knob so no one walks in and sees to much.”

“I’m pretty sure everyone will agree to that,” Niall said and we all nodded.

Once we were finished eating, Harry took Nialls’ hand and said, “Beware, there will be a sock on the door knob,” he and Niall ran upstairs.






I was doing to laundry later that day when I smelt something weird coming from somewhere in the clothes. It wasn’t a strong smell, but it’s the one thing that I would know anywhere.


I started digging through the clothes and I found where the smell was coming from.

It was from a pair of jeans.

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