A Game of Prisoner

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(edited on 1/28/18)

Wolfy hand cuffed Frost to a pole in the room. Wolfy left the room to get a towel and wrapped it around his waist. Wolfy then went to the kitchen and grabbed two slices of Pizza. One slice was for him and the other was for Frost. Wolfy also got Two sodas before hand and had came back to Frost.  Freddy had nominated Frost to be the prisoner because she knew how to escape the cuffs he had given Wolfy.

Frost saw Wolfy come back and he was wearing a towel around his waist. Frost notice that Wolfy had food and drinks in his hands. "What are thy food and drinks for Wolfy?" Asked Frost

"I want to try somethin'." said Wolfy

Wolfy takes a slice of pizza and holds it to Frost's mouth. Frost moved her head away from the pizza unsure if she should eat it or not. "Chica made thy pizza with ye." said Wolfy

Frost released that the pizza was ok to eat and took a bit. Frost was careful not to bit Wolfy in the process of bitting the pizza. Wolfy was helping Frost eat the pizza because he had her hands cuffed behind her back to a pole. Wolfy also helped Frost drink the soda.  Once Frost was done, Wolfy had started to eat his slice of pizza and drink his soda. "I be curious lass." Said Wolfy "What be yer favorite Color?"

"I like a lot of colors." said Frost 

"Oh... I like thy color red." said Wolfy

"I like red, blue, orange and black." said Frost

"ye be tricked minded." said Wolfy

"I am a girl ya know." said Frost "It be a female habit."

Wolfy found out that Frost was being playfully stubborn. "so, Freddy tells me ye can get out of them cuffs that ye have on. Is that True?" asked Wolfy

Frost had undone the cuffs and showed him. "That be no fair lassie." said Wolfy

Wolfy put on the other pair on Frost, that she couldn't escape out of. "There now ye can't escape." said Wolfy

"Isn't the fun in prisoner suppose to be that you catch the prisoner, if they got away?" asked Frost cutely 

Wolfy blushed and did not fall for Frost's cute trick.  All of a sudden Wolfy and Frost hear singing from the Night guard. Wolfy didn't notice that he had turned into his night mare form and started to head to the guard. Frost struggled against the cuffs casing the chain to rattle. Wolfy heard the rattling and looked at Frost's direction. Frost had her head on the floor and her hips in the air, still on her knees. Frost snorted and sighed in defeat. Wolfy just chuckled and let Frost out of the hand cuffs. Wolfy put the cuffs back on Frost and walked her back to her area. "This be yer person cell." said Wolfy

Wolfy un cuffs Frost again and locks her in her area. Frost sat down on her couch and waited to see what Wolfy would do next. Frost had started to mess with Wolfy's hearing by making weird nosies. Every time Wolfy looked her direction Frost Would quit. Wolfy would just catch Frost giggling and would just shrug it off. Frost had started to whistle at Wolfy. Wolfy figured out that Frost was messing with him and he had to ad might it was cute that she was trying to play with him.   

Frost soon had stopped playing with Wolfy's hearing and had decided to lay down on her couch. After that she saw that Wolfy's tail was partly in the cage and Frost had her hands cuffed be hind her back. Frost got off the couch and walked over to Wolfy. Wolf didn't notice Frost until she had started to play with his tail by nipping at it. "Hey! that be me tail." said Wolfy

Frost just smiled and wagged her tail. Wolfy smiled at Frost and continued to guard her making sure that his tail was out of Frost's reach.  Wolfy.... (to be continued)

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