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Frost and Wolfy woke up to the sound of screaming animatronics. The staff had tasers and where tazzing the other animatronics. " I guess we have thy day off cutie." Said Wolfy with fear in his voice.
" Ye be right senpai." Said Frost
Wolfy hugged Frost protectively and had his fur poofed up. Wolfy forgot that Frost had her bra and pants on.  Wolfy didn't start to growl tell the staff came too close to the area.  The staff took this as an opportunity to mess with Wolfy. Frost just had a comfused look on her face because she has never been tased before. Frost got out of Wolfy's arms and grabbed her blouse. Frost also grabbed her vest and put them on. She had fixed her stash that was on her hips.
Frost takes a step out after she opens the door. Frost gets tasered three seconds after she looked out. Frost had howled in pain and Wolfy got up off the couch. " Frost!" Yelled Wolfy
Wolfy ran to Frost catching her and almost butting a staff member's arm in the process. " YE WILL WALK THY PLANK!" Growled Wolfy
Wolfy had carried Frost's body bridal style back inside and sat on the couch with her in his lap. Wolfy was very angry at the staff for tasing Frost. Foxy and Mangle where defeading the pups they had from the staff. Foxy had injured afew staff members and so had mangle.
Wolfy had Frost's head resting on his shoulder and she was passed out. The manager had ordered the staff to keep the animatronics submissive at all means necessary. Wolfy was still growling and would bark a few times. Wolfy's eyes where black and was holding Frost protectively. The staff had moved the curtains so that they could see them. Wolfy wolfy got up and laid Frost on the couch. Wolfy moved the couch to the middle of the room,so the staff would not get them.
Frost woke up a few minutes later and had a paw on her forehead. " What happened?" Growned/ asked Frost
" Thy staff tased ye and I be boiling mad." Said Wolfy
=*Time skip to closing time*=
Wolfy was cuddling Frost wagging his tail. Foxy had came by and wanted to talk to Wolfy. Frost had fallen a sleep while cuddling. Wolfy slippes out from under Frost and walks to the door. " So how be yer vixen Me skipper?" Asked Foxy
" She is fine and she is not a Fox dad." Said Wolfy
" Ye sure about that son?" Asked Foxy " Ye fell in love with her pretty quick."
" I am sure she is a Wolf dad." Said Wolfy
" Ye look like a wolf but ye are half fox, half Chicken." Said Foxy (XDD Could not help my self.)
Wolfy blushed slightly because he was unsure ,if Frost had heard what they where talking about. " I know that dad and why are ye asking me these questions?" Asked Wolfy
" I be a curious fox thats all." Said Foxy " Excuse me son but I have kits to watch for mangle."
Foxy left and Wolfy was flustered. Frost had waken up from her hearing foot steps. " Morning Wolfy." Said Frost rubbing her eyes.
" Sorry for waking ye up cutie." Said Wolfy " And morning me lass."
" It's fine I just heard foot steps." Said Frost " That's why I woke up."
" Oh ok me lass." Said Wolfy
Frost was sitting up and had a bed head look. " Frost my I use yer lap as a pillow please?" Asked Wolfy sleepily
" Yes ye may." Said Frost blushing a little
" Thank ye." Said Wolfy
" Yer welcome senpai." Said Frost
Frost was sitting near an arm of the couch and Wolfy laid down using Frost's lap as a pillow. Wolfy had fallen back a sleep in ten minutes of using Frost's lap. " Yer lap is comfy Frost." Mumbled Wolfy in his sleep
Frost blushed at what Wolfy said in his sleep. Soon he started to nuzzle her lap with his nose. Frost had blushed darker and had started to pet his head. Frost would play with his hair a little bit and it could case him use his paw to wack her paw away.
=*Time skip to Opening time*=

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