Bunny day.

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( I apologize for the sad song.)
Frost knew she was going to be cuddled.  Wolfy picked her up bridle style and into Frost's area. Wolfy set Frost down on the bed and crawled in to the bed. He pulls Frost into his chest for a cuddle. " Me Bunny honey." Said Wolfy teasingly
Frost blushed and cuddles him back. " Me goofy woofy." Said Frost teasing Wolfy back
Wolfy had an arm around Frost's waist and was playing with her bunny tail with his paw. " Hey that be me bunny tail." Said Frost blushing more
" it's cute and fluffy." Said Wolfy " Plus ye look adorable as a bunny. Ye are beautiful as a wolf though."
Frost was blushing and was a little suspicious. <* I be adorible rabbit but I be a beautiful wolf.*> thought Frost <* he said beautiful Wolf to make up what he said about the adorable rabbit.*>
=*time skip to after hours *=
Wolfy and Frost fell asleep cuddling. Foxy's kits came into the cove. They were looking for Foxy who was in Kids cove. Mangle had gone looking for them and found them in pirates cove. " What are you kits doing in here?" Asked Mangle
" We where looking for daddy." Said Mangle's daughter
" Daddy is in kids cove." Said Mangle " Not pirates cove. Now head back before your half brother catches you three in here and tells your father that you where in here."
" Yes mommy." Said the three kits in unison
The kits follow Mangle back to Kids cove. Foxy had came out of hiding and had a stern look on his face." So ye three went to thy cove to look for me?" Foxy asked " I be in kids cove thy whole time."
Foxy scolded the three Fox kits because he told them not to go in there. " We are sorry dad." Said the three Kits in unison
" well good." Said Foxy " Ye three will stay out."
Frost had waken up and had snuggled up to Wolfy more. Wolfy woke up to Frost snuggling him more and tightened his grip around her. Frost had barred her face in his chest and Wolfy smiled. " Me Bunny." Whispered Wolfy to him self before he wrapped his tail around Frost's waist.
Frost had fallen back to sleep and Wolfy had his head on Frost's. Foxy had said that the potion was supposed to last a day but it lasted 7 hours. An hour after opening time Frost had turned back to her Wolf self. Wolfy woke up to see Frost normal. Wolfy tryed to nuzzle Frost awake with his nose but all she did was barrie her face more into his chest. " Me lass wake up." Said Wolfy soothingly " Ye be back to normal."
" I don't want to wake up." Ground Frost in Wolfy's chest.
Wolfy started to nibble on her ears. Frost blushed dark and un-barried her face from Wolfy's chest. Wolfy saw Frost's blush and he had a grin on his face because he woke Frost up. " Time to get up dear." Said Wolfy nuzzling Frost's cheek with his nose.
" Okay, okay I'm up." Said Frost giggling a little
Frost sat up on the bed and rubbed her eyes. Wolfy sat up as well and rubbed his eye. Wolfy also stretched not letting go of Frost's waist with his tail.

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