Chrismas chapter 44

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( I needed a Christmas song. -_- )
Wolfy snuggled Frost and nuzzled her with his nose. The staff was getting ready for Christmas. Kit was in her Christmas out fit and Freddy was dressed up as santa. Bonnie was enjoying playing with the kids and the same goes to Bon bon. Frost had a female santa clause out fit like kit and same did the chicas. All the boys except Freddy where not dressed up.
Frost was scheduled a Christmas show today. Frost was programed some Christmas songs. Before frost could sing the place was about to be robbed. Wolfy.....
( sorry sorry sorry for the short chapter but I was woundering if any one would like me to make a transformers beast wars fiction book? If you want me your oc to be in the story please do the prosiger as shown.
Name: Kenzie
Code name: Tearesa
Side: Maximal, starts out as a predicon
Personality: shy, playful, leader ship, bold, active, loves water, likes hunting, friendly, can be easily annoyed sometimes.
Friends: Optimous, Rat trap, black aractina, rinox, cheetor, tyrangalous and waspinator.
Likes: every one.
Transformation armer / transformer: Cougar
Dislikes: bad people.
Back story: Kenzie was one her way home from school when all of a sudden she was sent into another time. She sees these weird robot animal species. They start talking to eachother and she starts to freak out mentally on the inside.( I can't reveal too much about my oc.)
You do not have to have a picture of your OC but it is recommended.

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