Wolfy's week off part 5

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Frost was attacked by the night guard in the main dinning area. Frost was hit in the face and had a confused and saddened look on her face. The night guard hit Frost again but she caught it with her paw stopping it. Frost noticed that the guard's weapon was a base ball bat.
Frost had used her left paw to stop it because she didn't have that much feeling in it. The guard tryed to hit her multiple times and he got a few hits on her. Wolfy had gone looking for Frost and saw that the night guard had attacked her. Wolfy turned into his night mare form and came behind the guard and growled angerly. The guard stopped in middle swing and turned his head to look at Wolfy. " So ye like to beat up defenseless lasses aye?" Asked Wolfy in a demonic tone
The guard just stood there showing no signs of fear in his eyes. " Then Why don't ye pick on someone yer own strength." Said Wolfy attacking the guard
The guard hit Wolfy in the mouth knocking him to the ground. Wolfy got up and attacked the guard again. Wolfy used his paw to knock the guard off balance. Wolfy was about to kill the guard when He saw Goldy next to Frost. Wolfy tackled the bear and was going to pull out Goldy's wires. Goldy teleports from under Wolfy and Wolfy was still angry at the guard.
The guard had gotten away and was in his office. Wolfy noticed that Frost was missing some of her fur and some of her endo skeleton was showing. The guard had a knife on him and had cut her. Frost got up and was doing a system check. Frost sighed and looked at Wolfy. Wolfy had walked back to Frost. " Are ye alright me lass?" Asked Wolfy
Frost shook her head no and tryed to speak. Frost had sounded like Mangle when she was all torn up. Wolfy had his ears back and had a sad look on his face. " I'll fix ye me lass." Said Wolfy
Frost just shook her head no,not wanting Wolfy to touch her voice box. Wolfy knew that if she didn't let him, he would have to turn her off just to fix her. Wolfy didn't relize that Frost was quick and light on her feet. Wolfy had chased Frost tell he had trapped her in a corner and got to her control panel. Wolfy turned her off and Frost had gone limp.
Wolfy picked her up bridal style and took her to the parts and service room. Wolfy got the supplies he needed to fix Frost. Toy Chica came into the room and saw that Frost was in a bad state. " What happened to her?" Asked Toy Chica
" Thy guard attacked her mom." Said Wolfy fixing Frost's endo skeleton
" Why would he attack Frost?" Asked Toy Chica " She is supposed to protect him from us."
" I don't know mom." Said Wolfy " I saw him beating Frost up and I attacked him."
Wolfy had gotten done fixing Frost's endo skeleton and had Toy Chica help him with her fur. Once they where done with Frost's fur, Wolfy turned Frost back on. Frost turned back on and she had a crossed look on her face. " I did want ye to fix me, me lad." Said Frost
" How ye looked was killing me inside me lass." Said Wolfy " Any way I don't want ye to get hurt."
Goldy teleported into the room, to check on Frost. Goldy gave Frost a big bear hug and Frost just gave him a confused look. Goldy let her go and talked to her in spanish. " tiene hermosos ojos azules." Said Goldy ( you have beautiful blue eyes)
Frost just smacked him in the face hard. " Tengo novio!" Said Frost angerly ( I have a boyfriend!)
" Soy mejor que èl." Said Goldy ( I am better then him.)
" En que manera?" Asked Frost ( In what way?)
" me puede teletransportarse y yo soy màs fuerte que èl." Said Goldy ( I can teleport and I am stronger then him.)
" Yo no te dejo Usted." Said Frost ( I don't believe you.)
Goldy teleported to Wolfy and got him in a head lock. Wolfy got out of the head lock and Goldy was on his back on the floor. " I said I didn't beleave you goldy." Said Frost " I knew you could teleport."
" So what did Goldy say to ye to make ye slap him?" Asked Wolfy
" he was flirting with me and I told him I was taken." Said Frost
Goldy had teleported to his little room in the building and rubbed his sore cheek from where Frost had hit him.  Frost was more mad at Goldy then she was at Wolfy. Toy Chica was surprised that Frost could speak spanish. " So how much spanish do you kniw Frost?" Asked Toy Chica
" I was programmed with the language." Said Frost " so I know a lot."
Toy Chica heard the bell in the kitchen go off and ran to it. Wolfy hugged Frost and he was still in the dog house with her.  Wolfy kissed Frost on the lips trying to get out of the dog house. Frost had kissed him back and it Worked a little. Wolfy helped Frost down and had helped her regain her balance. " What did ye do to me endo skeleton me lad?" Asked Frost " It be feelin' waird."
" I just replaced some of yer old parts that didn't work any more." Said Wolfy
" Thank ye for fixing me." Said Frost looking away from Wolfy
" yer welcome me lass." Said Wolfy
Wolfy's sunburn was almost fully healed and he was now going to be very, very protective of Frost because of Goldy. The staff had said that Wolfy tends to puppy guard Frost but it also made him look cute. Wolfy didn't notice that Toy Chica had put some exstra fur on Frost's chest to make sure she did not get cut there so easily again. Frost went back to her area and Wolfy moved his couch to the out side of Frost's area door. Wolfy was not going to let anyone take his lass from him so easy.
=* time skip to opening time*=
Wolfy woke up to the staff bringing supplies to Frost's area. The staff was grooming Frost and she didn't really want to take all of her clothes off. They had managed to get her out of them and where brushing her fur out. The staff were using water to clean her and Wolfy didn't want to get wet.  The staff had already washed Wolfy because he was a sleep and they were sneaky about it. Wolfy noticed that he was all fluffy. Freddy Fazbear had washed Foxy because Foxy had needed a bath. Foxy got blow dryed and he was mad at Freddy.  Wolfy chuckled a little because he had seen his father all fluffy. Wolfy had grabed a brush and started to brush his fur down.
Frost was done getting groomed and the staff gave her clean pirate clothes. Frost put it on and had put the female item that the staff had given her on her under wear. Frost...(To be continued in the next part.)

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