teasing puppy dogs part 2

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( This chapter dose have some health words in it. Viewer discretion is advised.)
Balloon boy came back and saw the two Wolves cuddling. " So when are the puppies coming?" Asked Balloon boy
Frost blushed and so did wolfy but Balloon boy was talking about Mangle. " I don't know lad." Said Wolfy " why don't ye ask Mangle."
" Foxy won't let me near mangle do to her being pregnant." Said Ballloon boy
" Oh..." Said Wolfy " Why don't ye bug thy night gaurd into giving ye his batterys?"
Balloon boy's eyes widen up and he left. Wolfy soon started to give Frost a lot of kisses and she just giggled. " Ye are going to kiss and snuggle me to death?" Asked Frost still giggling
" Aye me lass." Said Wolfy " Just not thy kill part."
Wolfy had Frost in his arms and was cuddling her with her cuddling him back. Wolfy was wanting to ask Frost to marry him so that Goldy would get off his girl. Frost had laid down on her couch with Wolfy and Wolfy had his head on Frost's chest. Wolfy had his arms wrapped around Frost's waist.  Frost would playfully pull on Wolfy's ears with her mouth, only to get licked in the neck by Wolfy. Wolfy was comfy where he was and he was not going to move so easily. Dark had been fighting Wolfy to get out but Wolfy would not let him. Wolfy remembered that in the morning was bath day.
=*Time skip to Morning*=
The staff had found Wolfy having his head on Frost's chest still a sleep with Frost. The staff had a bath robe for all the animatronics. Frost's was green with green flowers stitched into it. Wolfy's was red with black stitched sculls on it. Foxy's was white with red roses on it. Mangle's was the same as Foxy's just black with blue roses on it. Freddy and Toy Freddy had brown robes. Gold had a yellow robe. Bonnie had a vilet robe with red guitars stitched into it. Bon bon's was the same just royal blue. Chica and Toy Chica had pink Robes with yellow flowers on it. The staff had tryed to get Wolfy up but he swatted them a way with his tail. " No five more minutes and me lass." Said Wolfy sleepy
Wolfy nuzzled Frost's chest with his nose. Frost was still asleep and was out cold. " Foxy is going o steal yer treasure booty if you don't get up." Said one of the staff
" He can have it I got me booty right here." Said Wolfy groggily
" He is also plaining to take Frost from you." Lied another staff
" That be a bluff." Said Wolfy " So why do ye want me up?"
" So we can get you two cleaned and into your bath robes." Said A staff member
" hmmm..." Said Wolfy " No."
Wolfy had moved Frost to wear she was laying on him. Frost had cuddled into his chest and he just smiled before falling a sleep again. The staff was flustered by Wolfy's stubbornness.
=*Five minutes later*=
The staff wakes up Frost and askes her to nibble on his ears. " I be yer fault if he be flirty." Said Frost
Frost had started to nibble on his ears casing Wolfy to have an erection. Wolfy would twitch his ears to get Frost to let go. Wolfy was also smiling but was still a sleep. Wolfy had tightened his grip on Frost and Frost had quite. " I will put Ice down yer shorts, If ye don't get up." Said Frost
Wolfy knew it was a bluff because he had Frost trapped. " Ye bluffen cutie." Said Wolfy sleepy " Ye would not do it to yer capt'n and even if ye did I would make ye walk thy plank."
" Thy plank is an empty punishment with in it self." Said Frost
Frost had her paws on Wolfy's chest and was sitting on his belly. Frost smirked and had an Idea in her head. Wolfy had gone back to sleep. Frost pintched his nose with a paw and kissed him trapping all the air he had. Wolfy kissed back in his sleep and had his tail wagging fast. Wolfy had out lasted Frost and she broke the kiss. The staff had brought a bucket if ice and Frost had put them in his pockets. Wolfy had shivered and had hugged Frost pulling her to his chest.
Wolfy accidentally rubbed Frost's booty with his tail in his sleep. Frost blushed and had licked his chest. Wolfy woke up with a blush on his cheeks. " Don't ye ever try to wake me up like that again cutie." Said Wolfy flustered sleepy
" What can't take the movement." Said Frost smirking
" Me lass it tends to feel weird." Said Wolfy
" May I be let go?" Asked Frost
Wolfy released Frost letting her up. Frost had sat on his lap and Wolfy sat up. Wolfy noticed Frost had a blush on her cheeks but he assumed it was from his sleepy voice. Frost had got off of Wolfy and the staff took Wolfy back stage.
=*time skip to after grooming*=
Everyone was in there robe and Wolfy was a little embarrassed from what he had heard. Wolfy heard that Frost had tryed to wake him up but was forced to take a sexual move. Wolfy  knew what Frost's reactions where because of Dark. Wolfy had Frost in his lap again and had his head resting in the crook of her neck.

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