Chapter 36

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Frost had went back into her animatronic form for the night. Frost had noticed Freddy being a little angered. " The gaurd runs the power out but when I get ready to attack the bloody stupid bell rings!" Mumbled Freddy to him self
" Every thing alright Freddy?" Asked Frost
" Oh um... Sorry Frost didn't notice you there." Said Freddy
" It's fine." Said Frost " Are ye alright?"
" yes I'm fine." Said Freddy " Thank you for asking."
" your welcome and ok." Said Frost
Frost left the room and went back to her room. Wolfy was already in the bed and was fast asleep. Frost giggled quietly to her self before crawling into the bed her self. Wolfy in his sleep wrapped his arms around Frost and suggled her. Wolfy was restig his head in the crook of Frost's neck. Frost smiled before falling asleep.
=* Time skip to morning*=
Freddy gliched out bad. During one of the songs Freddy had started to rap about the grave yard shift. Wolfy woke up to Frost on top of him. Frost was using his chest as a pillow fast a sleep. Wolfy took the opportunity to rub Frost's booty with his paw. This woke Frost up and she nuzzled Wolfy's chest. Wolfy stopped rubbing Frost's booty and had a blush on his cheeks. " Ye are just going to cuddle me aren't ye honey." Said Wolfy
" Aye honey." Said Frost suggling Wolfy more
Frost rolled off of Wolfy and on to his left side. " What are ye up too me lass?" Asked Wolfy flirtingly
" This." Said Frost pulling on Wolfy's ear with her teeth playfully.
" So a game we play me lass." Said Wolfy grinning
Frost smiled and ran out of the room. Wolfy got out of the bed and ran after her. Frost was running so fast that she wiped out on a turn. Frost hit the wall with a thud and started laughing." Are ye all right me lass?" Asked Wolfy
" Aye I be fine." Said Frost still giggling
" Ok me lass." Said Wolfy
Frost got up and was swarmed by some of the kids. " So who is your favorite animatronic buddy Frost?" Asked a little girl
Frost blushed and pointed to Wolfy." Didn't you two get married?" Asked a little boy
" Aye we did lad." Said Wolfy
Frost was blushing a little from embarrassment that the kids new. Wolfy wrapped an arm around Frost's waist and pulled her into his chest. " Now if any if thy older lads flirt with Frost I'll make sure they walk thy plank." Said Wolfy " Thats if they take thy grave yard shift here at thy pizzeria."
" Oh..." Said the Group of kids
Wolfy kissed Frost on the lips and Frost kissed him back. " EEEeeeew." Said the kids
The kids left and Wolfy smirked in the kiss. Frost was smiling in the kiss. Wolfy broke the kiss and was smiling. Frost had began to giggle a little. " What be so funny honey?" Asked Wolfy
" It be thy kids reaction to thy kiss." Said Frost " Thats what got me all giggly."

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