Frosty glitch

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Frost bit Wolfy casing him to yelp a little. Frost got off of Wolfy and put her fur kini back on. Wolfy put his clothes back on. A staff member came by and saw that Frost was in pirates cove. Frost went to the office and hid there. She got anew pair of clothes to put on. She found out that she was going to be deactivated.
=*Time skip to a month later*=
Frost was glitching out badly and she didn't know why. It soon got to a point to were she couldn't talk no more. Frost had gotten her memories back and was still mad at Wolfy. Frost to the kids was a mute animatronic now. They want her to sing for them but she couldn't talk. Some times Frost's programing switched from day to night.
=*one week later at night*=
Frost was stuck speaking pirate in her scottish/ irish accent that she dose for the kids. Freddy had gotten her angry with him and she was cussing up a storm. The other guys were too scared to help him because Frost was just that scarry when she was angry. What didn't help Freddy that Frost could turn her voice dark with in seconds. Freddy would say something and Frost would use it against him. After four hours of aggression from Frost. She had put her self in a corner and was mumbling stuff to her self.
=* Time skip to two days later in the day time*=
Frost was becoming very annoyed with the kids wanting her to talk but she had nothing nice to say. They all wanted her to company them in Wolfy and Foxy's maze. Frost figured out that she was going to be mute in the day but none of the other animatronics knew sign language. She also knew that most of the kids that gone to the pizzaria didn't use sign language.  Wolfy would case Chica trouble in the kitchen by trying to steal the pizza. Frost was quick and most of the time very quiet when she ran.
Freddy was jealous of Frost that she was quiter then him. Frost would follow Wolfy when he wasn't looking a play a game on him. She would tap his shoulder and when he wasn't looking. She would take the pizza away and run for dear life. Frost also knew that Chica would rat her out to Wolfy. Chica would be praising her to Wolfy. Frost knew to hide in the office at night to keep her memory loss up act up. She also knew that Wolfy was after her booty.
=* Time skip to 15 minutes*=
Frost was now running away from Wolfy. She would squeak when ever Wolfy was close to catching her. She would hide in the mazes and in Wolfy's huge new ship that he got last month. Frost had hid in the supplies closet a few times. Some of the kids would hide with her and giggle. Every time she dodged Wolfy was when she would turn fast enough before he could catch her. Wolfy would give a harty laugh when Frost dodge him. " Ye can't keep running for ever me lass!" Shouted Wolfy
" I can too." Said Frost's seri that suddenly turned on" I be a faster swimmer then ye are."
Frost saw the wet floor in the kitchen and ran too it. Frost hopped onto the counters and Wolfy crashed into the lower cabinets. " Ow." Said Wolfy getting up.
Frost hoped down and was looking for injuries. " What are ye doing me lass?" Asked Wolfy
Frost stopped in front of him and gave him a glare. Wolfy's fur stood up at how scary she looked. Frost bent over and tapped on his ankle asking to pick up his foot. He lifted his foot up and Frost pulled out a few wood ships that were on the bottom of his foot. She did the same process to the other side. Once she was done Wolfy smacked her on the butt in a teasing way. Frost gave a small growl and walked back to the kids. " She likes me." Said Wolfy smiling
Wolfy was look at the door when he said it. The chefs just nodded their heads and continued their work.
=*Time skip to night*=
Frost was given a Buck knife from the night gaurd as a gift. She thanked him in sign language. The night gaurd just smiled and went to work. Frost was given clothes by a kid's parent. It was a black crop top that went down to the top of her belly and some middle thigh length black shorts. She was also given gold earrings. Frost had two earings on her right ear and one on the other. Frost didn't notice that the crop top showed a little too much cleavage.
She was also given a sweater from another family. It was white and she was wearing it to try it on in the day. It keeped her warm every wear exspect the top of her chest. That family also gave her a viking out fir to wear plus a bow and arrows. They also gave her a toy axe to throw at Wolfy.
Frost grabbed her white sweater and white pants that she got. The white pants was a gift from the staff. The staff put the 20/20 mode on Wolfy because they wanted to save Frost from being melted down. There were two a.i. Modes on the animatronics. One was for attack and defense. The other was for mating seasons.  The next morning was the female animatronics pregnancy test. Frost didn't think she had gotten her self pregnant with Wolfy. Then again there was a baby growing inside of her. Frost didn't know that she was one month and a week pregnant. She also didn't show any symptoms of being pregnant. Frost went to the girls bathroom and changed into her clothes. Frost didn't know that they changed their minds on melting her down.
In Frost's programing in that there was a pregnancy status  and  it was supposed to make the female animatronic no show symptoms because of the males. Frost came out of the girls bath room to find Wolfy standing out side. Frost huffed and Wolfy followed her. He noticed in the morning that Frost stomach looked a little swollen. He had recalled nothing had been done to her. He had then figured out that he had gotten her pregnant. <* I am going to be a father again!*> thought WOLFY excited
=*Time skip to day*=
The pizzaria was closed do to the female animatronic testing. The staff had the females animatronics in the back and had put them into sleep mode. The boss unmuted Frost and she was able to talk again. Frost was surprised that her test was positive. Chica was four months pregnant with Bonnie's child. Mangle was three months pregnant with Foxy's kit. Toy Chica was pregnant with Bon bon's child. Frost was a blushing mess because the other girls wanted to know who the father was. " I bet it is Wolfy's child." Said Mangle " He seems like her type."
" You got to consider the possibility of the other males too." Said Toy chica
The staff had figured out who the father was to Frost's child from a tap that was from  two months ago.  " It is more likely to be Wolfy." Said Chica " He seems  to be the only male that can tame her."
" You have a point Chica." Said Toy Chica " We could have Wolfy come in here and flirt with Frost to see her reaction around him."
" You know she would only put up an act around us." Said Mangle
" Hey Frost don't you remember having kids?" Asked Chica
" I do have it in my data banks but in this body it is my first." Said Frost " Other then that this is my fifth child. I really didn't want to be a mother so soon again. Then again life is life in this pizzaria."
" So that's why you guys don't want to have sex?" Asked a female employee
" Would you like it if your kids got sold way once they were old enough?" Asked Mangle
" No I wouldn't." Said the female employee " You guys are very lucky to have offspring. Not alot of animatronics can have childeren."
=* Time skip to five months*=
Chica had layed her egg in her nest she had built. She knew that next month Mangle would have her kid. Frost was now six months pregnant and was in the nesting stage. Wolfy wouldn't let her off the couch and cleaned the whole cove himself. Frost thought it was very entertaining to watch Wolfy clean up the sticky mess the kids leave in the cove. He muttered to himself and was tired after three hours of cleaning. " How do ye do this everyday?" Asked Wolfy
" I can get this play clean fast then you and if we do it together we can do it even faster." Said Frost
" Nope ye ar not getting up from the couch." Said Wolfy stubbornly
Frost took the opportunity to sneak out and go see Chica. Chica was in her room on her nest when she saw frost come in. " Could you knock when you come in?" Asked Chica
" Sorry chica." Said Frost " Wolfy won't let me move around. So I have to sneak out of the cove. "
" Awww." Said Chica " That just means he loves you so much that he doesn't want you to work. Dose he bring you food or drinks?"
" Yes, he dose." Said Frost " But now it's like constant. It's starting to get annoying at times."
" I can tell because you keep running to me." Said Chica giggling
Wolfy was looking for Frost with a worried look. He soon found her in chica's room talking to her. " There ye are me lass." Said Wolfy behind her" I did knock chica."
Wolfy picked Frost up bridal style. " How do you still pick her up?" Asked Chica
" I lift me lass then lift weights." Said Wolfy
Frost and chica just bursted out laughing. " What it be true." Said Wolfy blushing
"That is not what we are laughing about." Said Chica
Wolfy left Chica's room with Frost in his arms. Wolfy went to the cave to put Frost back on the ground. Wolfy gave Frost a kiss on the lips and went to do his daily rounds of protecting the Cove.
=* Time skip to when the babies are born*=
Wolfy was bouncing up and down about his new son. Foxy had also gotten a baby boy as well. Wolfy's new bro was named Nickle. " How about Copper Wolfy?" Asked Frost
" That be a very good name but not that scary to scare a way any other pirates." Said Wolfy
" How about Jack?" Said Frost
" That is perfect!" Exclaimed Wolfy
Jack was...(To be continued. I am wanting to add oc's into this so feel free to comment some. Same procedures as the other authors.)

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