Staff prank for Wolfy

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( viewers discretion is advised.)
" Ok dear." Said Frost still guilty
Wolfy wrapped an arm around Frost's waist and kissed her cheek. Frost kissed his cheek back and hugged him. " Beleave we should get some shut eye lass." Said Wolfy
" Okay woofy." Said Frost
Frost and Wolfy crawled into the bed. They fell alseep and the night guard took a picture of the from the security camera. Frost was laying on her belly in her self.
=* Time skip to morning*=
Wolfy was on Frost cuddling her and Frost was still on her bell. Wolfy had his paw and hook under Frost. Wolfy had his head ontop of Frost's and was comfortable on Frost's back. Frost was a sleep and was enjoying the warmth in her sleep from Wolfy. Wolfy accidentally moved his paw to Frost's chest casing her to wake up blushing dark.
" Wolfy can ye get up please?" Asked Frost
" Why?" Ground Wolfy in a manly voice " Yer back is comfy."
" Guess where yer paw is?" Asked Frost
Wolfy woke up and blushed dark. Wolfy got up of Frost and was blushing madly."S-Sorry Frosty." Said Wolfy sitting up on the bed. " I didn't mean too."
" It's fine it be an accident and ye didn't know ye where doing it." Said Frost
" So I be not in thy dog house with ye?" Asked Wolfy
" Ye are ,just I am not going to do any thing to ye." Said Frost
" Why?" Asked Wolfy " Why are ye not going to do anything to me?"
" I over heard thy staff." Said Frost " They have something in store for ye."
" Is it good or bad?" Asked Wolfy
" Ye tell them at the end of the day." Said Frost
" O-okay." Stuttered Wolfy " I be still sorry."
Frost grabbed Wolfy's chin with her paw and made him look at her. Frost kissed him on the lips and Wolfy smiled. Wolfy kissed Frost back and licked the her lips asking for entrance. Frost had made her mind and was going to play mean. Wolfy had whimpered and had bit gently on her bottom lip. Frost had let Wolfy slip his tung in her mouth and he used his tung to exsplore her mouth. Wolfy cupped Frost's cheek with his paw and made the kiss deeper.
Wolfy had moved his tung out of his mouth and let Frost use her tung to exsplore his mouth. Wolfy was blushing darker and it had traveled to his neck plus his ears. Frost pulled her tung out of his mouth and broke the kiss. Frost and Wolfy where both panting. Frost had a very dark and deep blush on her face. Frost had notice that Wolfy's blush went from his face to his ears and neck.
Frost giggled and had gotten out of the bed. " Where are ye going me lass?" Asked Wolfy
" I am going to see what my part of the prank is." Said Frost leaving the area.
Wolfy got back into bed only to get dragged out of bed by the staff. Frost had walked up to the staff and they told her what she needed to do. Frost went to the girl's bathroom and changed into a pink sweater. The staff took her pirate costume and took it to get cleaned. It was another closed day except for the adults because of adult cove. Frost walked out of the bath room with a slight blush on her cheeks. Wolfy had gone to the office to see when the staff had planned for when they get married. Frost had sat on stage and was waiting to do her part. Wolfy had came back to tell Frost but he got to the cove to see Frost was cleaning the cove again. Wolfy blushed again to see Frost just in a pink sweater and could not help buy stare. Foxy was in kids cove helping Mangle.
Wolfy shook his head before speaking. " Why... What..." Said Wolfy
Frost looked up and giggled at Wolfy trying to find the right words to say. " Is this part of thy prank?" Asked Wolfy
" maybe or maybe not." Said Frost
Frost had gone back to cleaning and didn't realize that she had moved her tail in a way that Wolfy could see her female hood. Wolfy blushed move and walked over to the stage to help clean up the cove. <* Thy staff owes me for doing this.*> thought Frost blushing
Wolfy could not get the image out of his head and was blushing dark. <* This prank may go too far.*> thought Wolfy
Wolfy got an Idea to get back at the staff. He would flirt with Frost to see how they react. Wolfy poked his head out of the curtain to see where Frost was before sitting down. " Is it me or do I see precious Booty." Said Wolfy flirtingly
Frost blushed but got ride of it right away. Frost had some of her fur go up and then back down again. Wolfy got up and walked over to Frost. Wolfy picked her up amd threw her over his shoulder. Wolfy walked to the staff, which where in the office laughing. Wolfy knocked on the side of the door with his paw and Frost had used her paws to push on his back. Frost had a sorry look on her face to the staff.
Wolfy smacked Frost's booty with his paw. " Mine!" Growled Wolfy
Frost had yipped a little at Wolfy smaking her butt and Wolfy started to head to Pirates cove. The staff where scared at First but started laughing again at the sudden fear they had. Wolfy walked into Frost's area and sat on the bed but didn't let her go. Frost had tryed to wiggle off his shoulder but it cased him to put his paw on her booty. Wolfy had started to rub Frost's booty. "Really senpai really?" Said Frost
" Then next time ye won't help thy staff then." Said Wolfy " Ye had a nice booty and I don't plane to stop rubbing it any time soon."
Frost blushed darker and ground. " Grouning won't make me stop." Said Wolfy
Frost got an Idea and had started to stretch on his shoulder. " What are ye tryin' to do?" Asked Wolfy
" Stretch." Said Frost
Wolfy let Frost off his shoulder to stretch. " Would ye like a back rub cutie?" Asked Wolfy
" Not really me lad." Said Frost " Thank ye for asking though."
" ok and yer welcome." Said Wolfy
" Do ye want one me lad?" Asked Frost
" Sure me lass." Said Wolfy
Wolfy laid down on the bed and got ready. Frost had started to rub his back with his paw. Wolfy was really relaxed from Frost rubbing his back. He didn't want Frost to stop rubbing his back. Frost's phantom had got kissed by Wolfy's and Frost felt it. Wolfy took the opportunity to flip over casing Frost to kiss him on the lips from the fall. Frost blushed and was surprised. Wolfy smirked in the kiss and kissed Frost deeply. Frost broke the kiss out of air and Wolfy chuckled." What cat got yer air?" Said Wolfy teasingly
" Come on, ye rolled over and knocked me off balance." Said Frost "ye also stole thy kiss."
" Thy only thing I stole was yer heart." Said Wolfy smiling " Now I get to pick yer clothes since I one thy game."
" What game?" Asked Frost comfused
" Thy game we played." Said Wolfy " Ye rubbed me back and when ye where not playin' attention i roll over."
" oh..." Said Frost " Ye made it up on thy spot didn't ye?"
" Maybe." Said Wolfy looking away not guilty
" I guess ye can pick me clothes for once." Said Frost
Wolfy smiles and wags his tail with a blush on his cheeks. " Ye choose yer underwear and bra because I am not that perverted." Said Wolfy
" Fine." Said Frost
Wolfy opens Frost's dresser and pulls out her bib that was in her shirt shelf. Wolfy opens another and pulles out a pair of shorts that where white. " I see what ye be tryin' to do me lad." Said Frost " I can also be incorrect too."
Frost pulles out a pair of under wear from her night stand next to the bed. She tried to make sure Wolfy did not see what color it was. Frost grabes the clothes and Wolfy walks out also closing the curtains. " Thank ye senpai." Said Frost
" Yer welcome cutie." Said Wolfy
Frost changed into the clothes and undone the curtain that she used to cover herself. Frost walkes over to Wolfy to tell him that she was done changing. Wolfy....(To be continued. >:3)

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