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Frost was already thinking about the wedding plans. Wolfy was really excited that Frost had said yes to him. Freddy was annoyed with Mangle and Foxy's pups crying a lot. He also knew that Foxy was threatened by the staff if he didn't breed. Toy Freddy knew the staff and Foxy where going to bug him after he was married.
Everyone knew Wolfy's temperament and Frost's. The staff where more likely to anger Wolfy then Frost. Toy Chica and Chica where going to help Frost with the food. They where also going to help with the cake. Foxy had taken Wolfy for the day and he was telling Wolfy what the staff would do.
=* Time skip to 3: 00am*=
Frost had gotten very hot and had gone to her area. Frost had closed the inside curtain and had started to take off he vest. She was lucky that she did not have her corset on but a bra is what she had on. Frost had taken her blouse off and had folded it up and had set it on the arm of the couch with her vest.  Frost smiled that she was much cooler with some of her clothing off. Frost laid down on her couch and had fallen asleep. Wolfy had gotten over his talk with Foxy not believeing him. Wolfy had gone to find Frost when he found her asleep half naked. He had blushed very dark because he was not used to her being partly naked. Wolfy noticed that it was getting quite warm in the pizzeria.  Wolfy was debating on whether to wake Frost up or not. <* I think I should wake Frost up and talk to her but she is so cute when she is sleeping.*>  thought Wolfy <* oh....I'll wake her up because I want to talk to her.*>
Wolfy walked up to Frost and tryed to shake her wake with a paw on her shoulder. " What senpai?" Groaned Frost sleepy
Wolfy blushed alittle at Frost's sleepy voice. " I need to talk to ye." Said Wolfy
" I don't function well half a sleep." Whined Frost sleepy
Wolfy sat on the edge of the couch and started to nibble her ears. Frost sneakers before she starts laughing. After a few minutes Wolfy stopped and let Frost breath. " Ye up now?" Asked Wolfy
" Y-Yea." Said Frost still giggling
" So I heard from me father that thy staff be pushy on thy pup thing." Said Wolfy "That we after we get married."
" Then don't let them push us." Said Frost " their threats to us are empty."
" Ye have a good point dear." Said Wolfy " So why did ye take some of yer clothes off?"
" I got Hot and I needed to let my systems cool." Said Frost " I didn't want to go outside."
" Oh okay me lass." Said Wolfy
Wolfy wrapped his arms around Frost and wiggled his way under her. " Ye could have asked me to get up." Said Frost
" But what be thy fun in that and any ways I like ye snuggling me." Said Wolfy with a light blush
Frost rested her head on his chest and had a paw on his chest with her fingers in his chest fur. " Goof." Said Frost cuddling Wolfy
" Hay ye are thy silly one." Said Wolfy nuzzling Frost with his nose.
Frost smiled and nuzzled Wolfy's chest with her nose. Wolfy cuddled Frost and had her in A protective grip around Her waist. Wolfy used his paw to touch Frost's booty and rested it there. Frost blushed a little and snuggled Wolfy more. Wolfy smiled before he had went to sleep.
=*Time skip to morning.*=

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