Frost is pregnant.

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Frozen changes back into Frost. Dark finally lets Wolfy take back control of his body. The two wolves were still asleep.
=* Wolfy's provo*=
" What was that all about Dark?" Thought Wolfy
" I did something that you where to chicken to do." Thought Dark
( By the way this is Dark and Wolfy fighting mentally)
" Did ye have to get thy lass pregnant?!?!?" Thought Wolfy
" Ye have been thinking about for a while and admit ye liked thy booty." Thought Dark
" Ok fine I did but Ye could have asked for her permission in some places." Thought Wolfy
" So thy lass is our Wife." Thought Dark " She bears the off spring."
" Yea true but it can also lead to her death." Thought Wolfy " I want to help her raise thy childeren and I also don't want to lose her."
=* No ones provo*=
Wolfy wakes up to Frost still asleep. Wolfy had an arm behind his head and the other around Frost's waist. Frost was using his chest as a pillow and which he loved it when she did it. Wolfy sort of forgot that he didn't have his clothes on and Frost didn't have her's on either. Wolfy blushed dark onced he relized this but was surprised on how warm Frost's skin was to the touch. Wolfy noticed that Frost was more of a body language speaker to the kids then when she used her voice.
Yea she was tuff on them but it was a good reason usually. Wolfy was wondering why he didn't notice it before. It must have never accrued to him. Wolfy noticed that Frost was string in her sleep alittle. Wolfy rubbed Frost's hip with his paw casing Frost to blush in her sleep. <* Me Frosty is so cute when she blushes in her sleep*> thought Wolfy
Wolfy tightened his grip on Frost accidentally giving her a start. Frost woke up quick and was ready for a sleepy fight. " Calmb down me lass it be just me." Said Wolfy a little shocked
" Oh sorry hun." Said Frost sleepy and sitting up
Frost rubbed her eyes with one of her paws and Frost didn't realize that she had nothing one besides the blanket.wolfy could not help him self but stare at Frost.
=* Time skip to a month*=
The staff was checking the females to see if they where pregnant yet. Sence it was Winter time it was the normal breeding time for the animatronics. Wolfy was being flirty and also being very helpful to Frost. One of the staff members where trying to get Frost done but Wolfy started becoming over protective of her. The staff started to think something was up because Wolfy was normally never hostle to the staff. The staff had noticed that Frost would throw up every morning. The staff where just having to test Frost just to make sure they where right or she could have been sick.
Frost did the test and she was positive. Wolfy knew she was pregnant just from the way her sent was. Foxy had told him what to smell for and also to watch out for mood swings. Foxy almost got his head ripped off when Toy Chica was pregnant with him. Frost came back into Pirates cove all fine. " So what was it honey?" Asked Wolfy
" I be positive for being Pregnant." Mumbled Frost shyly
Wolfy heard Frost and smiled. " That be great news me Lass." Said Wolfy hugging Frost
Frost was not the only one pregnant. Chica was pregnant with Bonnie's child. Once Wolfy and Frost spepatated from the Hug ,Wolfy would not let Frost out of his sight. Wolfy....

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