Flirting with the night gaurd animitronic

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Chica was giggling really hard. After a while she calmbed down. " so do you like Wolfy?" Asked Chica
" Um..." Said frost blushing a little" He is a pretty boy yes but I can say that I have a soft spot for him."
Wolfy blush was dark and went to his cove to find a gift for frost. He couldn't find it and was sitting on a pile of his gold. " are you looking for this?" Asked Frost holding a heart shape necklace
Wolfy's ears purked up and he saw what he was looking for. " yea me lass but how did ye get ahold of it?" Said Wolfy
" It fell into my pocket when i fell into the pile of gold." Said Frost " I found it in the morning and I was meaning to give it back to you."
" Ok me lass." Said Wolfy
Frost was handing it back to Wolfy when he said to keep it. " Why Wolfy?" Asked Frost " It's your's."
" I want ye to keep it." Said Wolfy " Think of it as an apology for stalling ye when yer buddy bwas goingbto be killed."
Frost had her nerf gun at Wolfy's head and it was a pistol. " May I have my pouch of gold back?" Asked Frost
" Nope." Said Wolfy and started running
Frost shot at him but missed every time. " I'll get you, you pirate!" Shouted Frost
Wolfy and the other animitronics started laughing.Wolfy keeped dogging the bullets that Frost shot at him.
=* time skip to morning*=
Frost was still chasing Wolfy. The kids where just laughing really hard. Some of the kids would try and trip them but it didn't work. Then one of the kids triped wolfy and Frost. Wolfy fell on the ground and Frost caught her self . Frost still had momentum and they kissed eachother. Frost and Wolfy both had the look of surprise on their faces. The kids  laughed hard. Frost broke the kiss and helped Wolfy onto his feet. Frost was a blushing mess and the same was wolfy. " I-I'm going to head to the office." Stuttered Frost
" O-okay me lass." Stuttered Wolfy
Frost had gone into the office and sat in her corner. The manager had given Frost an update when she was in her corner and she was feeling very cold. The manager had gotten Wolfy and had him get blankets.
=*time skip to when Wolfy comes to the office with the blankets*=
   Wolfy sees Frost on the ground shaking. " What did ye do to her scott!" Yelled Wolfy
" I only updated her and she started acting up this way." Said Scott " It said nothing about this in her information."
Wolfy wrapped a blanket around Frost. Wolfy notices that Frost was still freezing. He picks her up bridal style and takes her to his cove. " Where are you taking her?" Asked Scott
" To me cove to take care of me lass." Said Wolfy
Wolfy sat down on the couch and Frost had cuddled him because he was warm. Wolfy didn't realize that Frost had fallen asleep tell Chica pointed her out. Wolfy was enjoying the cuddle time through. Wolfy noticed that Frost's tail is a lot fluffier then it was before. He felt Frost nuzzle him with her nose in her sleep. People thought it was the most adorable thing ever.
=* time skip to night*=
Frost trying to out in about but her systems stopped her. Frost fell to the floor freezing. She would curl up into a ball and  use her big fluffy tail as a will from the cold air in the pizzaria. Frost was blocking the west hall way and would bit any one who got too close. " WOLFY GET YOUR GIRL UNDER CONTROL!" Yelled Bonnie
Frost was growling really loud. She would stop when cold air hit her and shiver. Wolfy came to pick Frost up but got bit on the rist. Wolfy took his hand back and was babying it with his hook. " What did i do to deserve that me lass?" Asked Wolfy
Then he relized that Frost was going off of her programming. " Aaaaw." Said Wolfy not wanting to do something
" What's wrong Wolfy?" Asked Bonnie
" I didn't want to do it but i am going to have to make thy lass summit to me." Said Wolfy
" So." Said Bonnie " do it."

(To be continued)

Wolfy's pizzariaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora