Chapter 38

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( this is a continuation of chapter 37.)
=* Dark Provo*=
I was surprised by how strong the lass was. She almost threw me off. Then again I like a bad lass sometimes. I was surprised when she finally gave up on trying to knock me off of her back I am assuming that is her weak spot is besides her sweet spot. I rubbed her back and her body started to relax. She soon started to laugh. " What's so funny honey?" I asked
I move my hand again and she laughed more." Oh so ye are ticklish." I said with a grin
I waited for her to clam down before I started to rub her back more. I rested my hand on her booty only to get a snort and a glare from her. " Ok, ok." I said with my paw and hook up
=* Frost's provo*=
Why is he rubbing my back? Isn't he supposed to be bad. Then again his hand and hook felt good on my back. I noticed him rest his paw on my butt and I snorted at giving him a glair with it. He lifted his paw and hook up in defense.
=*no ones provo*=
Dark went back to rubbing Frost's back and would get a buck from Frost every time he tryed something. Dark accidentally tickled Frost and she rolled every time he touched the spot. Dark was soon going to find out how Frost's had a dark side would punish him. Frost changed into Frozen and rolled landing on Dark. Frozen took the gag out of her mouth and tied Dark up really fast. " No h-how did ye know!" Yelled Dark
Frozen laughed darkly. " Even in dark times a dark can tell a dark from light." Said Frozen
Dark relized that Frozen was out and smirked.
( Viewer discretion is advised.)
Dark did know that Frozen and Frost were born on a zodiac change. So Frost and Frozen had a personality of leo and virgo. Dark noticed that Frozen had a whip behind her back and the gag that he used on her in her paw. Frozen quickly put the gag in his mouth and had whipped him a little. Dark blushed a little and also had a how dare you look. " Ye brought the punishment to yer self captain Dark." Said Frozen flirtingly with a smirk.
Dark gave Frozen a scowl before he smirked. Frozen got a few hits on him with the whip before Dark broke lose of the ropes. Frozen ran but got caught by Dark and was thrown over his shoulder. Dark tied Frozen up and gaged her. Dark took the whip and had hit her in the booty casing her to yip a little. " Ye be adorable tied up Frozen." Said Dark flirtingly " Ye look even more adorable when ye yip."
=* Time skip to a few hours.*=

Dark had done his plan and could not help but let Frozen cuddle him. Dark was enjoying the cuddle and would not let Frozen go. He would also not let her out of his grip.

=* Wolfy's provo*=
Me wife is going to have me head! I can't believe he forced her into breeding. Then again it was Frozen that was out and I dislike Frozen. I wounder what Frost is going to think when she finds out she is pregnant. Thats if she gets pregnant, she could have gotten lucky but that would be a rare chance.

=* No ones provo*=
Dark had timed it right because there was a power outage. Frozen....

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