Dark meets Frozen

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(view discretion is advised)

Dark felt Frost rest her head on his chest. Dark soon felt Frost's breathing even out and he had petted her.<*Thy lass is very soft.*>thought Dark

Dark didn't know about Frozen and they had switched on him. Frozen had nuzzled Dark's Chest with her nose and Dark had smirked still petting her. Frozen had to keep Frost's appearance tell Dark had fallen asleep. Dark had fallen asleep to Frozen's warmth.

=*Time skip to morning*=

Dark woke up to not see Frost in his arms. Frozen was cleaning the tables with the cleaning supplies. Foxy was helping her by cleaning out the back stage. Dark sat up and saw Frozen out side of the cage.Dark knew how to make any girl fall for him and he knew that Frost was a leo. Frozen had the same weak spots as Frost just she is more Wild then Frost.Frost had told Foxy that Dark was out and Told him her plan. Once Foxy was done cleaning he had gone to Kids cove to protected Mangle who was Six months pregnant. Dark wanted to get Frost pregnant but Frost would find away out of the situation, that is what he found out the hard way. Dark got up and walked over to Frozen. Dark had Wrapped his arms around her and let his warm breath hit Frozen's neck. Frozen Jumped but could not get far because of Dark. "Don't do that!" said Frozen

Frozen had a paw on her neck.Dark had smiled and tighten his grip."So ye must be Frozen Rebel." purred Dark

"Aye I be Frozen." said Frozen "May I be let go?"

"Aye me lass." said Dark Letting Frozen go

"Thank ye." said Frozen

"yer welcome." said Dark

The staff where whispering stuff to each other and they knew that Frozen was going to win. Frozen put the cleaning supplies away before she had came back to Pirates cove. Dark had wrapped an arm around her and used his tail to wrap around Frost's ankle picking it up so that she could not get away from him. "I be leave I be havin' scurvy and yer grape fruits be thy cure." whispered Dark in Frozen's ear.

Frozen Blushed dark and moved her paws to his chest. Frozen also pushed him away but He had his tail still wrapped around her ankle.  "Ye be forced to use me for support because I got yer foot." said Dark ginning

The staff was in the dinning room hanging out because they had gotten done early. Dark had hand cuffed Frozen and had set her foot down on the grounded. Frozen had gotten out of his grip and Dark was surprised on how fast she can take off. Dark had chased Frozen into the parts and service room. Frozen had managed to lock dark out but he had turned into his night mare form and ripped the door off it's hinges.  Frozen had hide in a corner and Dark was looking for her.

=Wolfy's provo=

How could ye do this to me Dark! I be locked up in me own body watching every thing. I was surprised when Dark had started flirting With Frost what really got me blood boiling is when he tried to get her to have a child with him. I was glade that me lass had chose slave but That could mean he could still have thy Child. Frozen is doing thy best she can to get Frost out of it but it seems like Dark is winning.

I hope he dose not use his trick on her. That would mean she would have no chance against him.Once that happens she would be in a trance and can't get out of it unless he snaps his fingers. I had figured out how to do it but I don't like to do it.

=Frost's and Frozen's provo=

Crap we are stuck in this room. we are glade our phantom had found this small hidden room. What do we do if her finds us. Wolfy's phantom is out of control as well as Dark. We soon heard thy staff and they taken Dark out of the room. They had found us and told us it was safe to come out. They had lied about seeing us in Pirates cove.

=No ones provo=

Frozen had gotten out and was handed a white bikini. It was for later and they wanted Frozen to try it on. The staff had gotten out excepted for on Female employee to help Frozen get the corset off. Once Frozen had the bikini on the staff member had taken her out to see that the Chicas had one on as well. Dark had so happily came into the room and saw Frozen. Frozen blushed because Dark had seen her in the bikini and it showed a lot of her fur. <* Thy staff are evil.*> thought Frozen
Dark walked up to Frozen and picked her up bridal style. Dark had set her down in pirates cove and put a collar on her. Dark also had the leash to the collar and clipped it on.

Frozen blushed and was curious on why she needed the collar plus the leash. "I don't want any body takin' me lass away from me." purred Dark

Frozen blushed a little darker and gave him a scold. Dark playfully gave her a scold back.Dark pulled on the leash casing Frozen to move forward and accidentally tripping on her feet. Frozen was stopped because Dark had caught her with his paw and hook. "Been walkin' long?" teased Dark

"I was not expecting ye to pull on thy leash." said Frozen

Dark chuckled a little before he had let Frozen out of his grip. "flirt." mumbled Frozen

"What was that me lass?" asked Dark

"It be nothing." said Frozen with a smile "I be just mumbling to me self."

Frozen noticed that Dark still had the leash in his paw and pulled on it making him lose balance. Dark had fallen on Frozen and made her fall. Dark's face had landed on her chest and his nose had started to bleed. Frozen blushed as dark as she could go and Dark had removed his face from her chest. "S-s-s-s-sorry m-m-me l-l-l-lass." stuttered Dark covering his nose with his paw.

Frozen took the opportunity to cuff his wrist to hers catching him off guard. Dark had wrapped Frozen in some rope that Was near by and tried to take the keys from Frozen but she had tied them to her bikini. Frozen knew he would not do it. Dark had un tied it and took the keys and tied it back up. Dark had found a gage in the back stage and put it in Frozen's mouth. Frozen had refused to be gaged and had bit him a couple of times before he had got it in her mouth. "ye bit hard me lass." said Dark "Why won't ye be nice."

Frozen just growled at him. Dark had intwined his tail with Frozen and she had quit growling at him. Dark nose was still bleeding and it had bleed more do to how Frozen looked tied up. Dark had left the room to go get himself cleaned up. Frozen had hidden a knife in her bikini top and used her tail to take it out. The knife was a hunters Buck knife and Frozen put the Buck Knife in her paws.
Frozen had started to cut her self out of the ropes. Frozen had felt the rope around her wrists. Once Frozen cut the rope off her wrists, she moved to her legs and Ankles. Once she was done with that. she had gone to her shoulders and cut her self out of the rope there. Frozen had Freed herself and took the gage out of her mouth.
Frozen had both sets of keys to her cage and had ran into it because she heard Dark coming back. Frozen hid behind her curtain and lessened for Dark.<* WHAT THY LASS GOT A WAY!*> thought Dark in a panic <* But how?!???!?*>
Dark noticed on how the ropes broke and finds out that they were cut. Dark had sniffed that air and had caught the sent of Frosting in Frost's cage. Dark followed the sent and found out the door was locked. Dark had picked locked the lock and got in. Frozen had started to panic and was hiding between the certains and the bars. Dark had found Where Frozen was and had wrapped her in the curtain. Dark had also ripped part of the curtain and Frozen had let Frost take control. Frozen had dropped her Buck Knife and Dark had picked it up. Dark put Frost on his shoulder and smacked her in the butt hard.
Frost yipped a little and had a dark blush on her cheeks."Bad lass." said Dark

Dark relocked the door finding out that he could lock her in for a long time.Dark had taken the chance to rub Frost's booty with his paw and Frost had blushed even Darker. Dark had a smirk on his face and had sat down with Frost in his lap. Dark put his face in the crook of Frost's neck and was taking him her sent.

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