Cuddle Buddies

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( Viewers discretion is advised.)
Wolfy could not help him self but stare at Frost's chest. Frost's robe was showing a lot of Frost's chest and Wolfy had his arms around Frost's waist. Frost was a little cold do to the air being Cold. Wolfy was warm to Frost and Frost was enjoying his Body heat. Wolfy noticed Frost had shivered a little do to the air. The vents where blowing cold air and it was a Another day off do to upgrading the bulding.
" Ye Cold cutie?" Asked Wolfy
" Aye I be a little Cold." Said Frost with a slight blush on her cheeks
Wolfy picked Frost up and set her next to him. Wolfy wrapped an arm around her and Frost rested her head on his chest." Warmer Cutie?" Asked Wolfy
" Aye thank ye." Said Frost stuttering a little
The staff took pictures and had showed them too Wolfy because Frost was a sleep. Wolfy smiled and tightened his grip around Frost. Gold was still thinking of a way to take Frost from Wolfy. Gold also remembers how hard Frost had slapped him in the cheek and rubbed it. Wolfy was still planning on how to propose to Frost on marriage.

=*time skip to night time.*=

The night guard came early and The animatronics where in there clothes. The night guard wanted to talk to Frost in private and took her to the parts and service room. The guard asked if he could check her systems for any thing loose. Frost let him and he found her sight screw. He tightened it up and turned Frost on.

Frost had started to freak out because she could not see. The guard had left Frost in the room and had headed back to his office. Wolfy had came looking for Frost because he had not seen her for two hours and it was midnight. Wolfy found Frost in the parts and service room only for her to panic. "W-Who's there?"Asked Frost fear in her voice

Wolfy's ears had gone back and had a sad look on his face. "It's me Frosty." said Wolfy

Frost relaxed and Wolfy noticed that Frost could not see. Frost had her ears perked up to show she was lessening to movement."What happened to ye cutie?"asked Wolfy

"The guard asked to fix some loose parts but he must have found my sight screw and tightened it."Said Frost "I am guessing it was an accident."

"It be no accident because he was laughing to his office." said Wolfy "Thy lad also said one down 12 more to go."

Frost had the look of surprise on her face before she hung her head. "F-frosty it be not yer fault." said Wolfy "he fooled ye and I can fix yer sight remember?"

"I don't want to be fixed." said Frost

Wolfy put his paw on Frost's chin and pulled her face so she was looking at him. Wolfy kissed Frost on the lips deeply. Frost kissed him back and Wolfy broke the kiss. Wolfy helped Frost off the table and Wrapped his tail around Frost's waist. Wolfy grabbed Frost's paw with his and guided her to her area. Wolfy noticed that Frost was trailing behind him a little at a slower pace. Wolfy sat Frost down and told her to wait for a moment so that he could go get something.  Wolfy went to the treasure room and was looking for a ring to give to Frost.

Wolfy found a gold ring with a white Dimond on it. Wolfy soon found a case for it and put the ring into it. <*This will be thy perfected ring for me lass.*>thought Wolfy
Wolfy was walking back and was going to have Frost feel the ring. Wolfy came back and had Frost feel the ring. Frost blushed lightly and had held the ring out to give back to Wolfy. Wolfy put the ring away after taking it from Frost. Wolfy soon caught the sent of pizza and had asked if Frost wanted to come. " No Thank you." Said Frost " I'm not hungry. you can go ahead I'll be fine here."
" Ok me Frosty." Said Wolfy " Howl if ye need me."
Wolfy left the room and she was not goong to howl because she sounded like a coyote. Wolfy found that the Chica's had made cup cakes. The night guard took the opportunity to brake Frost.
=* one hour later*=

Wolfy's pizzariaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें