Wolfy's week off part 3 wolfy's sun burn

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( viewer discretion is advised in this chapter)
Wolfy and Frost both woke up to the sound of cameras. The manager had let the news crew take pictures of the two of them and Wolfy was starting to get angry. Frost got up off of Wolfy and closed the curtains on the inside. The news crew were surprised that Frost had did that but she was half a sleep and didn't want Wolfy to attack them.
=*time skip to when the news crew leave*=
Wolfy walked out of the cage and laid down next to a window that had caught him in a sun beam. Frost had warned him not to get sun burned and he just laughed a hearty laugh. " A pirate spends lots of time in thy sun me lass." Said Wolfy " I won't be able to get sunburnt."
" If ye say so me lad." Said Frost
Frost had gone off to play with some of the kids. One of the adukts had challenged her to a game of chess and she accepted. After the game of chess Frost had lost but it was how she was programmed too. Wolfy had gotten up out of the sun and Frost saw a red tint in his fur. " so ye got burnt." Said Frost
" no I didn't me lass." Said Wolfy
Frost poked his chest and Wolfy did a face of pain. " ye did me lad." Said Frost with her arms crossed.
" So it will heal me lass." Said Wolfy trying to get out of the dog house with Frost
Frost walked to the supplies closet and grabbed some animatronic sunburn healing jell. Frost went back to pirate cove with the jell and Wolfy sat on the stage. " Do ye want to do it yer self or do ye want me too?" Asked Frost
" ye should do it me lass." Said Wolfy " me arms be hertin' as well from thy sunburn"
" Ok senpai." Said Frost " I apologize if it hurts ye."
Frost got on the stage and sat on her knees before she put the jell on Wolfy's back. The kids had gone to watch the shows in the main dinning area. Frost had gotten done with Wolfy's back and was now putting jell on his shoulders. Wolfy had to ad- mite that the jell was cold. Once Frost had gotten to Wolfy's chest and belly, he had thought it had felt really good. Frost had started to get to Wolfy's sides and arms with the jell. The staff had taken pictures and the camera in pirates cove filmed the whole thing. Frost had then got to Wolfy's neck and face. Frost had made Wolfy put the jell on his legs.
Wolfy was a little annoyed about having to put the jell on his legs since He was enjoying Frost's touch. " So how did ye know that I be sunburned?" Asked Wolfy
" yer fur be tinted red." Said Frost
" oh.." Said Wolfy with a light blush
Frost kissed Wolfy on the cheek and Wolfy kissed her cheek back. " thy jell be cold me lass." Said Wolfy
" That be because ye got yer self burnt." Said Frost
=*time skip to closing time.*=
The staff had taken the keys to Frost's cage away from Wolfy, So That Frost could recharge her self.Balloon boy had ran into pirates cove with the puppet because Foxy had chased them out. Wolfy was on his couch in the back stage area of Pirates cove. The puppet had balloon boy check on Wolfy and stay with him. Balloon boy told Wolfy what was going on and the puppet did the same thing to Frost. Foxy had out the gate down in kids cove,so that no one could disterb them. Wolfy had given Balloon boy a pillow to cover his ears with.
" Why?" Asked Balloon boy
" because ye are going to need it." Said Wolfy
Balloon boy just repeated his question. " because it might lead to a yiffin'." Said Wolfy
" what dose that mean?" Asked Balloon boy
<*how would me lass put it?*> thought Wolfy
" they be mating." Said Wolfy
That was all it took to make sure Balloon boy covered his ears. Wolfy grabed another pillow and through it over his ears. Frost and the puppet had their ears blocked by pillows as well. Foxy and Mangle didn't notice that they were near a vent. Every one tryed to cover their ears in the building and even the night guard covered his ears. Frost had tucked her tail inbetween her legs and was blushing. Wolfy knew that in the morning every thing was going to be awkward around him and Frost because of what his father did. Luckily the puppet had geven the night guard a freebie because of it.
=*time skip to 6:00 am.*=
Foxy and Mangle had gotten done an hour early. Foxy went back to pirates cove happy that he had gotten what he wanted out of his system. Foxy did notice the Balloon boy and Wolfy were over next to Frost's area trying to get the sounds out of their heads. Frost and the puppet were doing the same thing. The puppet had the guard bring his box to the area and play the music box for them. The night guard then had a staff member continue and close down pirates cove for the day.
=* time skip to opening time*=
Foxy was moved to kids cove for the day since he was the only okay animatronic to work. Wolfy had his system a little mested up from it and was holding his emotions back. Frost had asked to have a system cleaning and wolfy, Balloon boy and, puppet wanted one too. The staff member called the repair person and he came just 20 minutes later. He asked how far they wanted it earsed and they said from 12:00 am -6:00 am last night. The phantoms had returned to their animatronic so that they could calm down. " me lass, ye have a child in ye?" Asked Wolfy
" Aye,didn't Frozen tell ye about thy bit of '01?" Said/ asked Frost
" Ye have point me lass." Said Wolfy
Frost was stuck in her area and Wolfy had gone to the back stage to get something. Wolfy put on a yellow tie with multiple colored poco dots. Wolfy walked back to Frost and Frost saw him. Frost covered her mouth with a paw and giggled into it. The repair man was done with them before Wolfy had left for the tie. It was day three of his vacation with Frost.  Wolfy....(to be continued)
( this is going to have seven parts to it)

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