Frost's day off part 2

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( I apologize for the cursing in this song. Videos belong to their owners.)
Frost walked over to a table and had started to read. The staff had to dress up like animals but mainly ears and a tail. Frost's ears where covered by her pirate hat and she had her tail out. Wolfy was getting ready for the show but could not get the Image of Frost's Human form out of his head. " What are ye so grinny about Skipper?" Asked Foxy
" Nothing really dad." Said Wolfy
" Ok skipper." Said Foxy
The party members had started to come in and they saw Frost. Frost looked up from her book and closed it. She got up and put her book away. Frost went into the kitchen to help the kitchen staff. One of the little kids came into the kitch but Frost shooed them out. Frost had gotten sassed by the Little girl and just started laughing with the rest of the staff. Even the parents where laughing. One of the staff tryed to stand up for Frost but Frost looked like she was totally fine with it because it was comic sass.
Frost left the kitchen with the little girl and started to play a game with them. Bonnie during brake time had gotten the idea to turn into human form and start dancing around. Freddy, Chica and Foxy soon joined in, in their human form. Wolfy took the opportunity to change into his human form and talk to Frost. Chica soon pulled Frost into the dance but Frost walked back into the crowd shaking her head no. " No thank you Chica." Said Frost in her smooth voice
" If you insist." Said Chica
Some of the teenagers that where part of the party eyed Freddy, Foxy and Bonnie. Some of them saw Wolfy but they also saw Frost. Wolfy tapped on Frost's shoulder when she got out of the crowd. " Hi lassy." Said Wolfy nervous
" Hi Wolfy." Said Frost with a smile
" How did ye know it was me Frosty?" Asked Wolfy
" Yer ears and tail gave ye away." Said Frost " Plus yer clothes."
" Oh..." Said Wolfy " I be surprised that ye are not blushing."
" I am blushing." Said Frost smiling " I just learned to hide it in human form."
" That explains a lot." Said Wolfy smiling back
=* Time skip after dance*=
The teenage girls walked up to Freddy and Bonnie. Foxy went to kids cove to check up on Mangoe and the kits. The girls flirted with Freddy and Bonnie. Bonnie looked like he was enjoying the attention. Freddy was being spectacular with the girls but didn't show a lot of interest in any of the girls. Wolfy was trying to show off to Frost. One of the Male teens tryed to flirt with Frost but Wolfy gave him the I will kill you look.
The teen ignored it and continued. He eventually said something that creeped her out and Frost said she had to use the restroom. Wolfy did not more but was plaining the kids death for flirting with his wife.Frost went to the women's bathroom and used it. Once Frost was done with the rested room with hands washed and had a blush on her cheeks.
Frost was on her way back when Wolfy wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her on the lips. Frost was surprised by the sudden action but kissed back. The teen gave him a how dare you look. The teen got up and left the table over to his friends. Frost broke the kiss with a hug blush on her face. " What be thy kiss fore?" Asked Frost smiling
" I wanted to kiss ye and thy boy was Flirtin' with ye." Said Wolfy " I be makin' sure thy lad knew ye where mine."
" Eres tan dulce." Said Frost ( you are so sweet.)
Wolfy gave Frost a comfused look. " Yo no habla españole Frosty." Said Wolfy ( I do not speek Spanish.)
" I said ye are so sweet." Said Frost
Wolfy blushed lightly on his cheeks. " We better get back to work before the manager gets after us." Said Frost
" yer right Frosty." Sighed Wolfy
Wolfy stole another kiss from Frost before head back to the stage. <* Me husband is such a sweet heart.*> thought Frost
Frost opened up her book and started to read again. Bonnie got the idea to scare Frost while she was reading. Bonnie creeped up and once Frost put her book down. She saw Bonnie's face close to her. Frost gave a surprised look on her face and hit him once screaming. " Dude not funny!" Yelled Frost
Bonnie was on the floor laughing still in his human form. " It was still good and worth the hit." Said Bonnie laughing

=* time skip to night*=

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