UpDating Frost's Area.

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( an: I do not own any of the music or pictures in this book)
The staff had opened the door and Asked Frost to wake Wolfy up. Frost had blown in Wolfy's ears casing him to grown. " No five more minutes." Said Wolfy in a sleepy voice
Wolfy had rolled over onto his belly and wrapped his arms around Frost's waist. Frost had a dark blush for Wolfy's voice. " If ye don't get up I will tickle ye and nibble on yer ears tell they fall off." Said Frost in a teasingly tone
Wolfy had scooted up and had his head resting on the far side of Frost's lap. Wolfy had rolled onto his back again and had let go of Frost's waist. " That be a bluff cutie." Said Wolfy still sleepy
Frost licked his chest and he Woke up. " Did ye have to make me shiver lass?" Asked Wolfy
Frost was sitting up when he had asked the question. " Next time ye will get up when I wake ye thy first time." Said Frost being ornery
" Fine cutie but it be sort of gross." Said Wolfy
" Yet ye lick me ears." Said Frost still being ornery
Wolfy chuckled at Frost being playfully stubborn and sat up. Frost got up and walked to the staff. " We are going to upgrade your room Frost so you are free to play with the kids." Said the manager
" Okay." Said Frost with a smile
Wolfy followed Frost out still a little angry at the staff. Wolfy got on stage and had pulled Frost on stage with him. The kids had asked for gangam style. Wolfy blushed with Frost but it was part of their new update, that the staff had installed while they where shut down.
=* Time skip to the end of the dance*=
Frost and Wolfy had dark blushes. They were panting hard and the kids cheered at the end of the song. The staff had asked the kits what their favorite part of the dance was. The said when Wolfy had gotten under Frost and frost had did the cowboys rope trick in the air with her paw. The staff had them do it and they did it just Frost had her paws on Wolfy's back.
" These kids sometimes acted like thy adults sometimes." Whispered Frost in Wolfy's ear
Frost had lowered her head to hear Wolfy's reply. " I agree with ye cutie." Whispered Wolfy back
The staff had put a bed, a dresser, a table and, put Frost's clothes in the dresser. The staff put another one in for Wolfy so he could put his clothes away.
=* Time skip to closing time.*=
Frost had ran to her area to check it out. Frost was bouncing up and down at how the room looked. Frost saw the bed and sat down on it and noticed it was bouncy. Frost got on the bed and started to jump on it. Wolfy came in and saw Frost jumping on the bed. Wolfy thought it was cute that Frost was playing. Wolfy saw that the staff had a been full of toys in it.
" Cutie I don't think ye should jump on thy bed." Said Wolfy
" Ok I'll stop." Said Frost lading on her butt on the bed to stop her self.
Wolfy grabbed a squeaky ball and threw it on the ground and it bounced. The ball had caught Frost's attention and Frost swatted at it. Frost had swatte it back at Wolfy and hit him in the nose. Frost had the look of shock,guilt and,conseren on her face. Frost got off the bed and walked to Wolfy. " A-Are ye alright Wolfy?" Asked Frost guilty
" I'm fine me lass.," Said Wolfy actually squeaking his nose

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