Wolfy's week off part 6

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Frost had a slight blush on her cheeks and would not move from the couch. Wolfy was puppy guarding Frost and some of the kids hanged out with him. Frost had fallen a sleep at some point and Wolfy had noticed Frost had fallen a sleep. Wolfy got up and some of the kids followed him. Wolfy picked Frost up bridal style and walked back to his couch with Frost in his arms. Wolfy had Frost sitting in his lap with her head resting on his chest. The kids had sat next to them and some of the kids had started to pet Frost's tail.
Wolfy noticed that Frost was warm when she slept. Frost had gotten cold and had cuddled Wolfy. Wolfy wrapped his arms around Frost and had wrapped his tail around Frost's waist. Frost had snuggled Wolfy and Wolfy was enjoying it. The adults had taken pictures and the staff had pictures to sell to the public of them. The kids had gone off to play. Foxy would sometimes talk about when Wolfy was a pup and it would embarrass him a little. Foxy was doing it a lot lately because he found out that Frost was Wolfy's girlfriend.
Wolfy didn't like it when the staff had taken Frost from him. Toy Chica wanted to show Frost something and had waken her up. Frost had fought her because she was warm in Wolfy's grip and didn't want to get out anytime soon. " No!" Gowned Frost loudly " I don't want to go."
" I want to show you something." Said Toy Chica
" What?" Growned Frost
" You have to come with me to fined out." Said Toy Chica
" Fine." Growned Frost
Frost picked her head up and rubbed her eyes. The staff had taken pictures of Frost waking up and though they where cute.  Wolfy had let go of Frost and Toy Chica dragged her to the kitchen. Toy Chica had pulled out a scrapbook of Wolfy from when he was little. Toy Chica had started to show pictures of Wolfy when he was a pup and they started to giggle together. Wolfy came into the kitchen and saw what they where doing. " Not cool mom." Said Wolfy
Toy Chica held up the scrapbook to Wolfy and pointed to a picture of Wolfy when he was a baby. Wolfy blushed because it had shown him as a baby naked and luckily he was on his belly when the picture was taken. Frost had giggled with her paw over her mouth and Wolfy stole Frost from Toy Chica. Wolf had Frost's paw in his and was pulling her to Pirates cove.  A group of kids came over to them and asked if they were dating. Frost blushed and looked away still holding on to Wolfy's paw. 

"Have you kissed Frost on the lips?" asked A little boy

"Aye I have." said Wolfy "I don't do it during opening hours because it would be a bad influence on ye all."

"Oh ok." said a little girl

The kids grabbed Frost's other paw and pulled her over to them to play. Wolfy knew who had told them and it was his father Foxy. He didn't fight him because thy were going to find out any ways. Wolf went back stage and saw that it was a mess. Freddy was going to make them clean the whole cove if he saw it. Wolfy knew that the staff or one of the girls where going to find it and where going to clean it. Wolfy made sure his side was clean but his father always made the whole room a mess.

=*time skip to closing time*=

Frost had seen the back stage and was grossed out. Frost got some cleaning supplies and started to clean the whole cove. Frost had kicked Wolfy and Foxy out. The tried to fight her but she had turned her voice demonic and made her self sound angry at them. Frost cleaned the tables and floors before going to the stage. Once Frost was done with the stage she started to clean the back stage which was dishes, torn couches and, Treasure booty every were. Frost had started with the dishes and treasure. Frost had separated the treasure in half and took the dishes to the kitchen. 

Freddy had came in and saw the back stage. He gave Wolfy and Foxy a shameful look with his arms crossed. Frost was cleaning because the cleaning staff didn't do a very good job. "You two let the cove get out of hand again didn't you." said Freddy

"I didn't do it." said Wolfy "Me father got drunk on soda pop."

Wolfy had ratted out Foxy because he did get drunk on soda. Foxy was grumbling something to him self with his arms a crossed. "Well Frost is cleaning up your guys mess." said Freddy "If she didn't start cleaning it I would have made you two clean the whole cove."

Freddy left them alone after that and got ready for the kill. Frost was done cleaning the back stage and had started to clean her area. She just needed to pick a few things up and clean the floor. Frost was soon done and was putting the cleaning supplies away. Frost then went to the kitchen and started to help with the dishes. Toy Chica had started to put the food away and cleaned the counters. Wolf found Frost in the kitchen doing the dishes. "Hey me lass." said Wolfy "May I ask ye a question?"

"Sure." said Frost stopping what she was doing and looked at Wolfy

"When is yer Birthday?" asked Wolfy

"It be thy 19th of Auguest." said Frost "When be yours?"

"Mine be April 26th." said Wolfy "Yer birthday be in nine days right?"

"Aye and I don't want anything for me birthday." said Frost with her arms crossed

"You must want something." said Toy Chica

"Well thy last company that owned me didn't make it very fun for animatronics." said Frost

"What did they do?" asked Wolfy

"They tend to play games with you." said Frost "Which I tended to be too Wild for them."

"So ye are sayin' ye don't like parties?" asked Wolfy

"yep because I get bored easily and I don't want to be in trouble." said Frost

Frost left the kitchen and had headed to the cove. Frost locked her door and Closed the inside curtains.Frost had developed a fears of being alone and Socially humiliation.  Frost had been to wild sometimes and had gotten in trouble for it. Toy Bonnie had brought back Frost's file from the archives and had given it to Freddy. "I found this in the archives." said Toy Bonnie

"Thank you Bon Bon." said Freddy

Freddy set it down on the counter and had opened it. Wolfy saw all of the documents and had seen her all beaten up. <*So thats why me lass dose not like parties.*> thought Wolfy

Wolfy saw a picture of Frost protecting a child from a bad guy. The after picture had shown her all beaten up to were you could see a lot of her endo-skeleton. Most of the pictures showed her as a bad animatronic and there where even news papers about it. Wolfy released that Frost had been attacked for some time and every company that had her were giving her a new chance but they used what she had done in the past against her. Frost was crying on her couch all curled up. Frost was crying into her knees thinking about her past.

Wolfy thought she was always happy but she was just trying to hide her pain. Wolfy became angry that the humans had beaten her down to submission. Even though she was programmed to protected them, she was treated poorly. Wolfy closed the file and had gone to find Frost. <*Me lass is a good girl not a bad animatronic they all thing for her to be. That is why they took away her sight.*> thought Wolfy angrily 

Wolfy changed his mind on finding Frost and had gone after the night guard. The night guard heard growling coming from the main hall way and he flashed his light to see it was Wolfy angry. The guard put on the fake Freddy head and it didn't work on Wolfy. Wolfy....

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